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Type: Article
Published: 2013-03-19
Page range: 25–30
Abstract views: 16
PDF downloaded: 1

Infraspecific variability of Amaranthus tricolor (Amaranthaceae) in India with a new variety

Amaranthus morphology new taxon Sect. Pyxidium


Amaranthus tricolor (Amaranthus subgen. Albersia sect. Pyxidium) is a native species of tropical Asia. It shows high inter- and intra-population phenotipic variability that is poorly known at present. During the field survey in India (West Bengal area) a large number of plants were collected and studied from the morphological point of view. The results justify the recognition of three varieties, of which one is new for the science: var. tricolor, var. tristis and var. acutus var. nov.