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Type: Article
Published: 2013-03-06
Page range: 46–54
Abstract views: 15
PDF downloaded: 1

Taxonomic notes on Dutch desmids V (Streptophyta, Desmidiales): new species, new morphological features

Streptophyta Desmidiales new species Closterium pygmaeum Euastrum pseudotuddalense Sphaerozosma aubertianum


From the Netherlands five new or otherwise interesting desmid taxa are recorded. Cosmarium vossenbergense is described as new to science. Of Closterium pronum the zygospore, up to then unknown, is described as an elongate spore furnished with undulate costae. The rare species Closterium pygmaeum, Euastrum pseudotuddalense and Sphaerozosma aubertianum, newly recorded for the Netherlands, are discussed for their taxonomy and geographical distribution.