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Type: Article
Published: 2025-01-15
Page range: 233-264
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Molecular insights into species delimitations of Cryptocarya, Endiandra, and Beilschmiedia (Lauraceae) in New Caledonia and neighbouring islands

AMAP, Université de Montpellier, IRD, CIRAD, CNRS, INRAE, F-34398 Montpellier, France
Te Aka Mātuatua/School of Science, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
Cryptocaryeae Cryptocarya group ITS Biogeography Dispersion Morphospecies species monophyly Magnoliids


In order to gain a better understanding of the delimitation and history of species of Lauraceae present in New Caledonia, several of which are thought to be new, a phylogenetic analysis based on the ITS nuclear sequences of Cryptocaryeae was undertaken with 147 new samples from the region. This study reveals monophyly for most of the currently recognised New Caledonian species in Cryptocarya and Endiandra, and for seven recently published new species (C. adpressa, C. barrabeae, C. chrysea, C. conduplicata, C. ovoidea, E. humboldtiana, and E. trichogyna). As well, several presumed new species in these two genera, based on morphological features, were found to be monophyletic and will require formal description. The monophyly of Cryptocarya is again confirmed, and that of Endiandra appears probable. In Beilschmiedia, four genetically distinct New Caledonian clades were observed, but they do not correspond to the two described species (B. oreophila and B. neocaledonica) nor to one easily recognised morphospecies. The relationships among the genera Beilschmiedia, Endiandra, Syndiclis, Sinopora, Potameia and Yasunia remain unresolved. Beilschmiedia from New Caledonia represents a distinct clade. Finally, this study reveals a dynamic history with multiple colonisation events onto the archipelago.


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How to Cite

MUNZINGER, JÉRÔME, and CHRISSEN E. C. GEMMILL. 2025. “Molecular Insights into Species Delimitations of <em>Cryptocarya, Endiandra, </em>and <em>Beilschmiedia </Em>(Lauraceae) in New Caledonia and Neighbouring Islands”. Phytotaxa 681 (3):233-64.