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Type: Article
Published: 2025-01-16
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Novelties on Vasivaea Baill. (Malvaceae, Grewioideae, Grewieae) for the Colombian flora

Herbario Forestal UDBC, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Carrera 5 Este Nº 15-82, Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
Herbario JBB, Subdirección Científica, Jardín Botánico de Bogotá José Celestino Mutis, Av. Calle 63 Nº 68-95, Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
Herbario JBB, Subdirección Científica, Jardín Botánico de Bogotá José Celestino Mutis, Av. Calle 63 Nº 68-95, Bogotá D.C., Colombia. UNELLEZ-Guanare, Programa de Ciencias del Agro y el Mar, Herbario Universitario (PORT), Mesa de Cavacas, estado Portuguesa 3350, Venezuela.
Colombia Atrato Cauca Magdalena Nechi Rivers Flooded forest Tiliaceae Malvales Eudicots


A new species of Vasivaea Baill. (Malvaceae, Grewioideae, Grewieae) from central and northwestern Colombia is described, illustrated, and their morphological relationships with related species are discussed. Vasivaea distopo is a tree up to 20 m tall, common in floodplain lowland forests (20–220 m elev.) located in the middle Magdalena, the lower Cauca, Nechí, and Atrato river basins. It is characterized by its tubular androgynophore with free lobes in staminate flowers and obcordate fruit shape. Vasivaea distopo represents the first species of this genus recorded from outside the Amazon, Essequibo, and Orinoco River basins. Geographical and phenological information, data about its conservation status, and an updated key to species are presented.


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How to Cite

TORREJANO-MUNEVAR, ANDRÉS FELIPE, BORIS VILLANUEVA TAMAYO, and GERARDO A. AYMARD-CORREDOR. 2025. “Novelties on <em>Vasivaea</Em> Baill. (Malvaceae, Grewioideae, Grewieae) for the Colombian Flora”. Phytotaxa 682 (1):101-11.