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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2024-07-16
Page range: 93-96
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Nomenclatural and taxonomic notes on Mallomonas Perty (Chrysophyceae). I. Typification of Mallomonas denticulata Matvienko

K.A. Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Botanicheskaya St. 35, 127276 Moscow, Russia
K.A. Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Botanicheskaya St. 35, 127276 Moscow, Russia
Algae chrysophytes siliceous scales bristles lectotype epitype


Mallomonas denticulata was described by Matvienko in the 1940s, however the ultrastructure of its scales and bristles remained unknown, so the species was considered to be dubious. Mallomonas asmundiae (≡M. cratis var. asmundiae) is a rather rare and widely accepted species but this name is invalid. In this report we discuss the similarity in the scale and bristle morphology between these two species and designate lectotype and epitype for M. denticulata. An emended description is provided.


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How to Cite

KAPUSTIN, DMITRY A., and MAXIM S. KULIKOVSKIY. 2024. “Nomenclatural and Taxonomic Notes on <em>Mallomonas</em> Perty (Chrysophyceae). I. Typification of <em>Mallomonas denticulata</Em> Matvienko”. Phytotaxa 660 (1):93-96.