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Type: Article
Published: 2024-09-05
Page range: 123-131
Abstract views: 153
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Revealing the true taxonomic status of Catasetum joaquinianum (Orchidaceae: Catasetinae)

Universidade Federal do Amapá, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia da Rede BIONORTE, 68903-419, Macapá, AP, Brazil
Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia/Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Biológicas—Botânica Tropical, 66077-830, Belém, PA, Brazil
Program of Forest Ecology and Management, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Friedrichstr. 39, 79098, Freiburg, Germany. Instituto de Manejo e Certificação Florestal e Agrícola, Estrada Chico Mendes, 198, 13426-420, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil.
Université de Lyon 1, Herbiers, F-69622, Villeurbanne Cedex, France
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, 69060-001, Manaus, AM, Brazil
Mineração Rio do Norte, 68275-000, Porto Trombetas, Oriximiná, PA, Brazil
Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do Amapá, Laboratório de Taxonomia Vegetal, 68903-970, Macapá, AP, Brazil
Atlantic forest Catasetum fimbriatum Catasetum hookeri Minas Gerais State natural hybrid nothospecies Monocots


The genus Catasetum stands out by its elevated number of registered natural hybrids. Many of them have been described as new species and there is a need of revision. Thus, we propose in this study a change in the taxonomic status of Catasetum joaquinianum: we suggest it as a natural hybrid, based on the comparison of its holotype and protologue with various plants resulting from the artificial hybridization of C. fimbriatum and C. hookeri. We provide a brief taxonomic description, as well as data related to the analysis of the original material, geographic distribution and phenology in order to confirm it as a nothospecies. Finally, we discuss the shared flower visitors of C. fimbriatum and C. hookeri as an evidence for a possible natural hybridization between these species.


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