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Type: Article
Published: 2024-03-05
Page range: 237-246
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Typification and interpretation of Potentilla acaulis L. (Rosaceae)

Department of Botany; National Museum; Cirkusová 1740; Praha 9-Horní Počernice CZ-252 43; Czech Republic
Department of Botany; National Museum; Cirkusová 1740; Praha 9-Horní Počernice CZ-252 43; Czech Republic
Department of Botany; National Museum; Cirkusová 1740; Praha 9-Horní Počernice CZ-252 43; Czech Republic
Department of Botany; National Museum; Cirkusová 1740; Praha 9-Horní Počernice CZ-252 43; Czech Republic
Frère Gabriel Louis Gérard Johann Christian Gmelin Christian Georg Lehmann Linnaean name nomenclature Potentilla subacaulis synonymy Eudicots


Although the majority of Linnaean Potentilla names (Rosaceae) have been already typified, the type of P. acaulis L. remains uncertain. All material related to P. acaulis were traced in herbaria LINN and PR, and their origin and time of inclusion into Linnaeus’ herbarium are discussed. A lectotype is selected from the original material examined by Linnaeus and now deposited in PR. The change in species concept in later Linnaean works and its importance for interpretation of the extant herbarium material related to the name is also discussed.


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