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Type: Article
Published: 2024-08-22
Page range: 127-139
Abstract views: 121
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Stemphylium persianum sp. nov., (Pleosporales, Ascomycota) from Iran

Higher Education Center of Shahid Bakeri, Urmia University, Miyandoab, Iran
Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
Higher Education Center of Shahid Bakeri, Urmia University, Miyandoab, Iran. Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
Higher Education Center of Shahid Bakeri, Urmia University, Miyandoab, Iran. Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
Center for Yunnan Plateau Biological Resources Protection and Utilization, College of Biological Resource and Food Engineering, Qujing Normal University, Qujing, Yunnan 655011 P.R. China
Center for Yunnan Plateau Biological Resources Protection and Utilization, College of Biological Resource and Food Engineering, Qujing Normal University, Qujing, Yunnan 655011 P.R. China
morphology new species phylogeny Pleosporaceae Schoenoplectus taxonomy Fungi


Stemphylium species are saprophytes, or plant pathogens mostly associated with economically important crops. In this study, we isolated Stemphylium strains from grey to brown lesions on the culms of Schoenoplectus sp. (Cyperaceae, Poales). Based on combined morphological characteristics and sequence data of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS‒rDNA) region, parts of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh) and calmodulin (cmdA) genes, the studied Stemphylium strains were identified and described herein as a new species, S. persianum. The new species is phylogenetically closely related to S. halophilum and S. lycii, however, they are distinguishable based on conidiophores, conidia, and ascospores morphology. Detailed morphological descriptions, illustrations, and phylogenetic relationships with other Stemphylium species are provided herein.


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How to Cite

AHMADPOUR, ABDOLLAH, YOUBERT GHOSTA, FATEMEH ALAVI, ZAHRA ALAVI, SAMANTHA C. KARUNARATHNA, and SAOWALUCK TIBPROMMA. 2024. “<em>Stemphylium Persianum Sp. nov.</Em>, (Pleosporales, Ascomycota) from Iran”. Phytotaxa 663 (3):127-39.