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Type: Article
Published: 2024-12-16
Page range: 125-143
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Taxonomic synopsis of the genus Rubus (Rosaceae) in Armenia

A. Takhtajan Institute of Botany of Armenian National Academy of Sciences, 0063, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Armenian flora checklist key for identification Rubus taxonomy Eudicots


The article presents the results of a taxonomic study of the genus Rubus (Rosaceae) in the flora of Armenia comprising 14 species from 3 subgenera. The following taxa are identified: R. saxatilis (subgenus Cylactis), R. idaeus (subgenus Idaeobatus), R. sanctus, R. armeniacus, R. candicans, R. ibericus, R. cartalinicus, R. peruncinatus, R. takhtadjanii, R. canescens, R. piceetorum, R. zangezurus, R. caucasicus, R. caesius (subgenus Rubus). The occurrence of R. ibericus is confirmed in the flora of Armenia. A checklist and a key for identification of the species, data on their geographic and altitudinal distribution, habitats, terms of flowering and fruiting, synonyms, type citations are given. The article is illustrated by the map of the floristic regions of Armenia and original photographs.


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