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Type: Article
Published: 2024-03-14
Page range: 57-65
Abstract views: 613
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New findings of Cryptomarasmius (Physalacriaceae, Agaricales) from Jilin Province, China

Key Laboratory of Edible Fungal Resources and Utilization (North), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, Jilin, China
Key Laboratory of Edible Fungal Resources and Utilization (North), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, Jilin, China
Marasmioid fungi morphology phylogeny Fungi


We conducted a field investigation of marasmioid fungi in Jilin Province, China. Based on morphological and phylogenetic studies, seven specimens belonged to Cryptomarasmius (Physalacriaceae) were identified as three species. Phylogenetic analyses of ITS-nrLSU datasets conducted using Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian methods showed that C. changchunensis and C. aucubae are a new species and newly recorded species to China, respectively. Detailed descriptions and illustrations of the two species are provided in this study.


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How to Cite

LI, SIYING, and TOLGOR BAU. 2024. “New Findings of <em>Cryptomarasmius</Em> (Physalacriaceae, Agaricales) from Jilin Province, China”. Phytotaxa 641 (1):57-65.