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Type: Article
Published: 2023-11-22
Page range: 93-100
Abstract views: 911
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A new species of Pinalia (Orchidaceae) with bell-shaped flowers from the mossy forest of southern Mindanao, Philippines

Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office South Cotabato; Koronadal City 9506; South Cotabato; Philippines; School of Graduate Studies; Mindanao State University - General Santos; General Santos City 9500; Philippines
Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office South Cotabato; Koronadal City 9506; South Cotabato; Philippines
Abucay; Barangay 91; Malaki Subdivision; Quezon Boulevard; Tacloban City 6500; Leyte; Philippines
Monocots Allah Valley Protected Landscape Philippine biodiversity Orchids Malesia Mount Busa


We present the first orchid species described from the Mount Busa Key Biodiversity Area (KBA 196) in southern Mindanao, Philippines. The new species was discovered growing on moss-covered tree trunks in the upper montane forest. It is primarily distinguished among the genus Pinalia by its very short inflorescence that bears few, closely spaced and relatively large campanulate flowers with trilobed, weakly keeled labellum and a dentate callus on disc. The discovery of this species brings the total number of Pinalia in the Philippines to 39. More importantly, it highlights the need for more field-based research on the flora of southern Mindanao to alleviate knowledge shortfalls that continue to limit our understanding of the region’s biodiversity.



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How to Cite

SAAVEDRA, ALJOHN JAY L., KIER MITCHEL E. PITOGO, and RONNY BOOS. 2023. “A New Species of <em>Pinalia </Em>(Orchidaceae) With Bell-Shaped Flowers from the Mossy Forest of Southern Mindanao, Philippines”. Phytotaxa 626 (2):93-100.