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Type: Article
Published: 2023-10-25
Page range: 131-145
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An updated synopsis of Neurolaena (Neurolaeneae, Asteraceae) with a new species from the Colombian Andes

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Programa de Pós-graduação em Botânica; Laboratório de Sistemática Vascular; Prédio 43432; sala 107; Porto Alegre; RS 91501-970; Brazil
Botanical Research Institute of Texas; 1700 University Dr; TX 76107-3400; Fort Worth; United States of America; Department of Botany; National Museum of Natural History; MRC 166; Smithsonian Institution; Washington; D.C.; 20013-7012 USA
Embrapa Clima Temperado; Rodovia BR 392; km 78; Caixa Postal 403; Pelotas; RS 96010-971; Brazil
Eudicots Antioquia Checklist Compositae Neotropics South America


Neurolaena is a genus native to the Americas and occurring from Mexico to Bolivia, including the Caribbean Islands. It includes shrubs or small trees with alternate leaves, paniculiform capitulescence, discoid or radiate capitula, 3–7-seriate involucre, and pappus with 25–70 bristles. Based on recent taxonomic studies in Neurolaeneae, we provide updates for the infrageneric classification of Neurolaena and recognize the occurrence of disc florets not associated with paleae for the first time in the genus. Furthermore, we describe a new species, N. curtipalea, which is the second species of the genus found in South America and the only species endemic to the Colombian Andes. It can be distinguished from the widespread N. lobata, occurring from Mexico to Bolivia and across the Caribbean Islands, by eucamptodromous (vs. penninervous) venation, radiate (vs. discoid) capitula, 5-seriate (vs. 6-seriate) involucre, paleae shorter (vs. longer) than corolla disc, and disc florets with white (vs. yellow) corollas. The new species is described, illustrated, and mapped, its taxonomic affinities are discussed, and a key to the infrageneric taxa and species belonging to Neurolaena is provided.



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