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Type: Article
Published: 2023-10-06
Page range: 137-151
Abstract views: 225
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Tylopilus pallidocervicolor, a new species from Baiyun Mountain, Guangzhou, China

State Key Lab of Biocontrol; School of Life Science; Sun Yat-sen University; Guangzhou 510275; China
State Key Lab of Biocontrol; School of Life Science; Sun Yat-sen University; Guangzhou 510275; China
State Key Lab of Biocontrol; School of Life Science; Sun Yat-sen University; Guangzhou 510275; China
State Key Lab of Biocontrol; School of Life Science; Sun Yat-sen University; Guangzhou 510275; China
State Key Lab of Biocontrol; School of Life Science; Sun Yat-sen University; Guangzhou 510275; China
State Key Lab of Biocontrol; School of Life Science; Sun Yat-sen University; Guangzhou 510275; China
Fungi Boletaceae ectomycorrhizal fungi new taxon phylogeny taxonomy


Tylopilus pallidocervicolor is described as a new species from Baiyun Mountain, Guangzhou, China based on morphological and phylogenetic evidences. It is characterized by tannish brown to light brown basidiomata, stipe with distinct reticulum on upper portion, and a palisadoderm pileipellis. Detailed morphological descriptions, phylogenetic analyses and comparisons with closely related taxa of Tylopilus are presented.



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