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Type: Article
Published: 2023-10-04
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A review and analysis of the use of epithets in infrageneric, species, and infraspecific names in Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae): trends in the plant naming game

Ria Olivier Herbarium; Department of Botany; Nelson Mandela University; P.O. Box 77000; Gqeberha; 6031
Ria Olivier Herbarium; Department of Botany; Nelson Mandela University; P.O. Box 77000; Gqeberha; 6031
Eudicots ethics toponyms morphology


Given recent wide-ranging international debates in the scientific press and on social media platforms on, especially, aspects of the ethics of historically published and currently used biological nomenclature, an analysis is presented of trends in the use of epithets in the scientific names of Kalanchoe taxa (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae). Kalanchoe, in which about 200 taxa are recognised at various taxonomic ranks, has a wide natural geographical distribution range in Madagascar and on some Indian Ocean Islands, in southern, eastern, and northern Africa, and in the Near, Middle, and Far East. A comprehensive database of epithets published at infrageneric, species, and infraspecific ranks in Kalanchoe over a period of 270 years—1753 to the present—was compiled and analysed to establish tendencies in the selection of epithets. The 370 epithets published to date were classified under: (1) plant characteristics; (2) the celebration of people (eponyms); (3) place names (toponyms); and (4) ‘other’ (habitat features, an ethnic group, etc.). Names derived from plant characteristics are the most commonly used in the naming of kalanchoes. However, since the early 1900s and continuing to the present, naming taxa after people is the preferred option. Lists of gender-based eponymic, toponymic, and ‘other’ epithets, with their derivations, used in the validly published names of kalanchoes are provided. We point out that one epithet used in the genus is contentious. We briefly reflect on the derivation of the genus name Kalanchoe.



  1. Adanson, M. (1763 [July–August]) Familles des plantes. Contenant une Préface Historike fur l’état ancien & actuel de la Botanike, & une Téorie de cette Science. II. Partie. Chez Vincent, Imprimeur-Libraire de Mgr le Comte de Provence, rue S, Severin, Paris, 640 pp.
  2. Andrews, H.[C.] (1798 [Jan.–Dec.] [1797–1815]) The botanist’s repository, for new, and rare plants. Containing coloured figures of such plants, as have not hitherto appeared in any similar publication; with all their essential characters, botanically arranged, after the sexual system of the celebrated Linnaeus; in English and Latin. To each description is added, a short history of the plant, as to its time of flowering, culture, native place of growth, when introduced, and by whom. The whole executed by Henry Andrews, author of the coloured engravings of heaths, in folio. [Vereia Andrews treated in Vol. 1: t. 21 (1798).] Printed by T. Bensley, and published by the author, No 5, Knightsbridge. To be had of J. White, Fleet-street, and all the Booksellers, London, 42 plates; pages not numbered. []
  3. Baillon, H.E. (1885 [séance du 18 février]) Liste des plantes de Madagascar (suite de la page 464). [Kalanchoe § Kitchingia]. Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéenne de Paris (Paris) 1 (59): 465–472. []
  4. Baillon, M.H. (1888) Kalanchoe grandidieri, Plate 57 [of Plates 51–88]. In: Grandidier, A. Histoire physique, naturelle et politique Madagascar publiée par Alfred Grandidier. Vol. XXX. Histoire naturelle des plantes par M. E. Drake del Castillo. Tome II—Texte—1, partie. 50 Fascicule. Imprimé par Autorisation de M. Le Garde des Sceaux. À l’Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 130 plates. []
  5. Baker, J.G. (1881 [21 February]) Notes on a collection of flowering plants made by L. Kitching, Esq., in Madagascar in 1879 (Plates VII. & VIII.). Journal of the Linnean Society, Botany 18: 264–281.
  6. Baker, J.G. (1887) Further contributions to the flora of Madagascar. Journal of the Linnean Society, Botany (London) 22: 441–537.
  7. Balfour, I.B. filius (1882) 4. Diagnoses Plantarum novarum et imperfecte descriptarum Phanerogamarum Socotrensium ; quas elaboravit Bayley Balfour, Scientiae Doctor et in Universitate Glascuensi rerum botanicarum regius professor. Pars Prima. [49. Kalanchoe farinacea Balf.f., 50. K. robusta Balf.f; and 51. K. abrupta Balf.f, on p. 512]. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 11 (110): 498–514.
  8. Berger, A. (1903 [Januar]) Kalanchoe Elizae sp. nov. Monatsschrift für Kakteenkunde [Berlin] 13: 69–70.
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  11. Boiteau, P. (1947 [novembre-décembre]) Les plantes grasses de Madagascar. [Overview of sections in Kalanchoe.] Cactus (Paris) 1947 (12): 5–10, figures 1–4.
  12. Boiteau, P. & Allorge-Boiteau, L. (1995) Kalanchoe (Crassulacées) de Madagascar. Systématique, écophysiologie et phytochimie. ICSN, CNRS, 91198 Gif-sur-Yvette, Éditions Karthala, Paris, 252 pp.
  13. Boiteau, P. & Mannoni, O. (1948 [mars-juin]) Les Kalanchoe (suite). Section II. Bryophyllum. [§ 3. Centrales; Kalanchoe pseudocampanulata Mannoni & Boiteau; K. rolandi-bonapartei Raym.-Hamet & H.Perrier; K. pubescens Baker] (à suivre). Cactus (Paris) 1948 (14): 23–28, six unnumbered figures.
  14. Boom, B.K. & Zeilinga, A.E. (1964 [September]) Kalanchoe ×vadensis spec. nova. Succulenta [Netherlands] 43 (9): 122–124.
  15. Britten, J. (1871) Order L. Crassulaceae. 4. Kalanchoe, Linn.; Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. Pl. i. 659. In: Oliver, D. (Ed.) Flora of Tropical Africa (Leguminosae to Ficoideae) 2. L. Reeve & Co., London, pp. 390–398. []
  16. Brown, N.E. (1902 [16 August]) New or noteworthy plants. Kalanchoe kirkii, N. E. Brown (n. sp.). The Gardeners’ Chronicle. [A weekly illustrated journal of Horticulture and Allied Subjects], 3rd ser., 32 (No. 816): 110–111. []
  17. Brown, N.E. (1904 [4 June]) New or noteworthy plants. Kalanchoe dyeri, N. E. Brown (nov. sp.). The Gardeners’ Chronicle. [A weekly illustrated journal of Horticulture and Allied Subjects], 3rd ser., 35 (No. 910): 354. []
  18. Brummitt, R.K. & Powell, C.E. (1992) Authors of plant names. A list of authors of scientific names of plants, with recommended standard forms of their names, including abbreviations. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 732 pp.
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  21. Candolle, A.P. de. (1802 [June–July]) Plantarum historia succulentarum. Histoire des plantes grasses. [Vol. 2] Part 17. A.J. Dugour & Durand, Paris, 121 pp. & 49 plates. [Plantes grasses de P.J. Redouté peintre du Muséum National D’histoire naturelle, Décrites par A.P. Decandolle, Membre de la Société des Sciences Naturelles Genève, etc. Livraison. Prix, 3o francs la Livraison.—Il en paraîtra une aque mois. A. Paris, Chez Garnery, Libraire, rue de Seine, ancien Hôtel Mirabeau, Ant. Aug. Renouard, Libraire, rue S. André-des-Arcs, n°. 42. A Paris et à Strasbourg, chez les frères Levrault, Libraires. AN X. Plate 100. Kalanchoe laciniata]. []
  22. Clarke, H.[G.] & Charters, M. (2016) The illustrated dictionary of southern African plant names. Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, 482 pp.
  23. Coutinho, A.P. (2006) Rosette Batarda Fernandes (1.10.1916–28.05.2005). Garcia de Orta, Série de Botânica 17: 3.
  24. Compton, R.H. (1975) Plantae novae Africanae. “Ex Africa semper aliquid novi.”—Pliny. Series XXXIII. Journal of South African Botany 41: 47–50. []
  25. Cooke, T. (1903) Order LI. Crassulaceæ. 2. Bryophyllum, Salisb. and 3. Kalanchoe, Adans. In: Cooke, T. Flora of the Presidency of Bombay. Volume I. Ranunculaceæ to Rubiaceæ. Published under the authority of the Secretary of State for India in Council. Taylor and Francis, London, pp. 465–468 of 645 pp. of the whole work. []
  26. Cristini, M. (2022) The etymology of the generic name Kalanchoe. CactusWorld 40 (1): 23–25.
  27. Crouch, N.R. & Figueiredo, E. (2022) Kalanchoe gideonsmithii (K. subg. Kalanchoe; Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae), a further new species endemic to the Maputaland-Pondoland Region of Endemism in KwaZulu-Natal, eastern South Africa. Phytotaxa 566 (2): 233–241.
  28. Crouch, N.R., Smith, G.F., Walters, M. & Figueiredo, E. (2016) Kalanchoe winteri Gideon F.Sm., N.R.Crouch & Mich.Walters (Crassulaceae), a new species from the Wolkberg Centre of Endemism, South Africa. Bradleya 34: 217–224.
  29. Cufodontis, G. (1965) The species of Kalanchoe occurring in Ethiopia and Somalia Republic. Webbia 19 (2): 711–744.
  30. Dalzell, N.A. (1852) Contributions to the botany of western India (continued from p. 295). [Kalanchoe ritchieana Dalzell on p. 346.] Hooker’s Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany [London] 4: 341–347.
  31. Damman. (1893) Calanchoë cassiopeja Dam. (Mit einer Abbildung). Monatsschrift für Kakteenkunde [Berlin] 3: 150. []
  32. Decary, R. (1921) Études diverses. Étude sur le sud. Monographie du district de Tsihombe (Suite). Chapitre V Botanique. Bulletin Économique de la Colonie de Madagascar et Dépendances 18 (1): 7–29; plate of Aloe suzannae opposite p. 27.
  33. Descoings, B. (1997) Note sur quelques espèces nouvelles de Kalanchoe de Madagascar. Journal de Botanique de la Société de Botanique de France 4: 79–89, plates 1–5.
  34. Descoings, B. (2003) Kalanchoe. In: Eggli, U. (Ed.) Illustrated handbook of succulent plants: Crassulaceae. Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, pp. 143–181.
  35. Descoings, B. (2006) Le genre Kalanchoe structure et définition. Journal de Botanique de la Société Botanique de France 33: 3–28 + two figures.
  36. De Wildeman, E.A.J. & Durand, T.A. (1899) [Séance mensuelle du 8 avril 1899.] Matériaux pour la flore du Congo, par Th. Durand et É. De Wildeman. Cinquième fascicule. [Kalanchoe cuisinii De Wild & T.Durand on p. 122.] Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique 38 (1, Comp. Rend.): 120–152. []
  37. Dorr, L.J. (1997) Plant collectors in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands. A biographical and bibliographical guide to individuals and groups who have collected herbarium material of algae, bryophytes, fungi, lichens, and vascular plants in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands. The Trustees, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 524 pp.
  38. Drake del Castillo, E. (1903) Note sur les plantes recueillies par M. Guillaume Grandidier dans le sud de Madagascar, en 1898 et 1901. (A suivre). Bulletin du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris 9: 35–46. []
  39. Eggli, U. (Compiler) (1993) Glossary of botanical terms with special reference to succulent plants, including German equivalents. British Cactus & Succulent Society, Richmond, Surrey, 109 pp.
  40. Eggli, U. (Ed.) (2003) Illustrated handbook of succulent plants: Crassulaceae. Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, XIII + 458 pp. + XLVIII plates.
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  44. Engler, [H.G.]A. (Ed.) (1895) Verzeichniss der bis jetzt aus Ost-Afrika bekannt gewordenen Pflanzen. In: Die Pflanzenwelt Ost-Afrikas und der Nachbargebiete. Theil C. Geographische Verlagshandlung Dietrich Reimer, Berlin. pp. 1–433.
  45. Engler, [H.G.]A. (1901 [19 November]) Crassulaceae (A. Engler). Kalanchoë goetzei Engl. n. sp. [on pp. 312–313]. In: A. Engler. Beiträge zur Flora von Afrika. XXII. A. Engler, Berichte über die botanischen Ergebnisse der Nyassa-See- und Kinga-Gebirgs-Expedition der Hermann- und Elise- geb. Heckmann-Wentzel-Stiftung. IV. Die von W. Goetze am Rukwa-See und Nyassa-See sowie in den zwischen beiden Seen gelegenen Gebirgsländern. insbesondere dem Kinga-Gebirge gesammelten Pflanzen, nebst einigen Nachträgen (durch * bezeichnet) zu Bericht III. Mit Tafel IV–XXII. Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie [Leipzig] 30 (3–4): 239–445. []
  46. Engler, [H.G.]A. (1902) Contribuzioni alla conoscenza della flora dell’Africa orientale. XXIII. Araceae, Liliaceae, Moraceae, Hydnoraceae, Chenopodiaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Aizoaceae, Cruciferae, Moringaceae, Crassulaceae, Saxifragaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Geraniaceae, Oxalidaceae, Malpighiaceae, Callitrichaceae, Combretaceae, Primulaceae, Plumbaginaceae, Sapotaceae, Salvadoraceae, Lentibulariaceae, Dipsacaceae, in Harar, territorio Galla et in Somalia a DD. Robecchi-Bricchetti et doct. A. Riva lectae. [Kalanchoe rohlfsii on p. 252.] Annuario del Reale Istituto Botanico di Roma [Milan] 9: 243–256. []
  47. Fernandes, R.B. (1978) Crassulaceae africanae novae vel minus cognitae. Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana (sér. 2.a) 52: 165–220. []
  48. Fernandes, R.B. (1980) Notes sur quelques espèces du genre Kalanchoe Adans. Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana sér. 2.a, 53: 325–442.
  49. Fernandes, R.B. (1982) Fam. 70. Crassulaceae. In: Fernandes, R.B. & Mendes, E.J. (Eds.) Conspectus florae angolensis. Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical & Junta de Investigações Científicas do Ultramar, Lisboa, 39 pp.
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  54. Figueiredo, E. & Smith, G.F. (In press) Plant collectors in Angola: botany, exploration, and history in south-tropical Africa. An illustrated history of the botanical exploration of Angola, with biographical accounts of the plant collectors and their activities from the earliest times until 2000. Regnum vegetabile series. International Association for Plant Taxonomy, and the University of Chicago Press.
  55. Fu, Kunjun (Fu, Kun-tsun), Gilbert, M.G. & Ohba, H. (2001a [June]) 3. Kalanchoe Adanson, Fam. Pl. 2: 248. 1763. Flora of China 8: 204–205. Print edition copyright Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, USA, and Science Press, Beijing, China, the Flora of China. Published online by the Flora of China Project. (Accessed 20 April 2023).
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  57. Guillaumin, A. (1939) Plantes nouvelles, rares ou critiques des Serres du Muséum. 99. Kalanchoe humbertii Guillaum. sp. nov. Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 2e Sér., XI: 337. []
  58. Gunn, M. & Codd, L.E. (1981) Botanical exploration of southern Africa. An illustrated history of early botanical literature on the Cape flora. Biographical accounts of the leading plant collectors and their activities in southern Africa from the days of the East India Company until modern times. A.A. Balkema, Cape Town, 400 pp.
  59. Hamet, R. (1905 [Septembre]) Note sur une nouvelle espèce de Drosera [Drosera aliciae Raym.-Hamet]. Journal de Botanique [Morot] 19e [année] (No 9bis): 113–114. []
  60. Hamet, R. (1906 [Janvier–Mars) Note sur une nouvelle espèce de Kalanchoe [Kalanchoe vantieghemii, as ‘Van Tieghemi’]. Journal de Botanique [Morot] XX [20e [année] (No 1–3)]: 109–111. []
  61. Hamet, R. (1907a [Mars]) Note sur deux Kalanchoe malgaches. [Kalanchoe grandidieri Baill. and K. bonnieri Raym.-Hamet]. Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France [Tome Cinquante-Quatrième], Quatrième serie—Tome VII, 54: 138–139. []
  62. Hamet, R. (1907b [Novembre]) Monographie du genre Kalanchoe. Bulletin de l’Herbier Boissier, sér. 2, 7: 869–900. []
  63. Hamet, R. (1908a) Monographie du genre Kalanchoe. Suite et fin. Bulletin de l’Herbier Boissier, sér. 2, 8: 17–48. []
  64. Hamet, R. (1908b) Kalanchoe luciae sp. nov. Bulletin de l’Herbier Boissier, sér. 2, 8: 254–257. []
  65. Hamet, R. (1910a [Janvier]) Sur quelques Kalanchoe peu connus. Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France [Tome Cinquante-Septième], Quatrième serie—Tome X, Quatrième series 57: 18–24. []
  66. Hamet, R. (1910b [Janvier]) Sur quelques Kalanchoe peu connus (Suite). Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France [Tome Cinquante-Septième], Quatrième serie—Tome X, Quatrième series 57: 49–54. []
  67. Hamet, R. (1910c) Kalanchoe aliciae sp. nova et K. beharensis Drake del Castillo. Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France 57: 191–194. []
  68. Hamet, R. (1912 [25 November]) Sur un nouveau Kalanchoe de la baie de Delagoa. [Kalanchoe leblanciae]. Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis 11 (No. 286/290): 292–294. []
  69. Hamet, R. (1913) IX. Zwei neue afrikanische Kalanchoë. Beschrieben von Raymond Hamet. [Kalanchoe usambarensis Engl. & Raym.-Hamet and K. mitejea Leblanc & Raym.-Hamet; paper mostly in French, despite German title.] Notizblatt des Königlichen Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin (—Dahlem). Leipzig, Berlin 5: 302–307. []
  70. Hamet, R. & Perrier de la Bâthie, J.M.H.A. (1912) Contribution à l’étude des Crassulacées malgaches. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Botanique, sér. 9, 16: 361–377. []
  71. Hamet, R. & Perrier de la Bâthie, [J.M.]H.[A.] (1913 [Oct.–Nov.–Dec.]) Sur un nouveau Kalanchoe malgasche. [Kalanchoe poincarei Raym.-Hamet & H.Perrier]. Bulletin de Géographie Botanique: Organe Mensuel de l’Académie Internationale de Botanique [22e Année (4e Sér.) N° 287-288-289 Oct.–Nov.–Déc. 1913] 23: 148–151. []
  72. Hammer, T.A. & Thiele, K.R. (2021) (119–122) Proposals to amend Articles 51 and 56 and Division III, to allow the rejection of culturally offensive and inappropriate names. Taxon 70 (6): 1392–1394.
  73. Harvey, W.H. (1862) Order LIII. Crassulaceae, D.C. VIII. Kalanchoe, Adans. In: Harvey, W.H. & Sonder, O.W. Flora capensis [being a systematic description of the plants of the Cape Colony, Caffraria, & Port Natal] 2. L. Reeve & Co., Ltd, Kent, pp. 378–380. []
  74. Haworth, A.H. (1812) Synopsis plantarum succulentarum, cum descriptionibus, synonymis, locis; observationibus anglicanis, culturaque. [Kalenchoe, sic. Kalanchoe, on pp. 109–110; Bryophyllum on p. 110.] Typis Richardi Taylor et Socii, Shoe-Lane, Londoni, 334 pp.; including ‘Appendix’. []
  75. Haworth, A.H. (1821) Saxifragëarum enumeratio. [Accedunt] Revisiones plantarum succulentarum. [Kalenchöe, sic. Kalanchoe on pp. 23–24.] In Ædibus R. et A. Taylor, Londoni, 207 pp.; ‘Errata’ page not numbered. []
  76. Hayata, B. (1919 [25 March]) Crassulaceae. Kalanchoe Adans. Kalanchoe takeoi. Icones plantarum formosanarum nec non et contributiones ad floram formosanam[; or, Icones of the plants of Formosa, and materials for a Flora of the island, based on a study of the collections of the Botanical Survey of the Government of Formosa] 8: 33–34. Bureau of Productive Industries, Government of Formosa, Taihoku [Taipei]. []
  77. Hooker, J.D. (1901 [March]) Kalanchoe bentii. Native of Southern Arabia. Nat. Ord. Crassulaceæ. Curtis’s Botanical Magazine[, comprising the plants of the Royal Gardens of Kew, and of other botanical establishments in Great Britain ; with suitable descriptions;] 3rd ser., LVII (or Vol. CXXVII of the whole work [No. 675 or No. 1369 of the entire work]): t. 7765. []
  78. IPNI. (2023+) The International Plant Names Index. Available from: (continuously updated; accessed April 2023).
  79. Jacobsen, H. (1954) Handbuch der sukkulenten Pflanzen. Beschreibung und Kultur der Sukkulenten mit Ausnahme der Cactaceae. Band II. Fockea bis Zygophyllum. [Kalanchoe on pp. 810–861.] VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena, pp. 615–1124.
  80. Jacobsen, H. (1986) A handbook of succulent plants. Descriptions, synonyms and cultural details for succulents other than Cactaceae. Vol. II. Ficus to Zygophyllum. Blandford Press, Poole, Dorset, pp. 465–864.
  81. Johnson, A.T. & Smith, H.A. (1982) Plant names simplified. 2nd revised edn, 6th impression, 4th reprint. Landsmans Bookshop Ltd, Buckenhill, Bromyard, Herefordshire, 120 pp.
  82. Koorders, S.H. (1919 [Mai] [24 October 1918]) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Flora von Java No. 18. Beschreibung von Kalanchoë Schumacheri vom Idjen-Plateau und Revision der Crassulaceae von Java. (Mit 2 lithographischen Tafeln.). Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg, sér. 3, 1 (3): 169–180, Figures 14 and 15. [ (text); (figures)]
  83. Koorders-Schumacher, A. (1910–1913) Systematisches Verzeichnis der zum Herbar Koorders gehörenden, in Niederländisch-Ostindien, besonders in den Jahren 1888–1903 gesammelten Phanerogamen und Pteridophyten nach den Original-Einsammlungsnotizen und Bestimmungs-Etiketten, unter der Leitung von Dr. S.H. Koorders. (Herausgegeben mit Unterstützung der Junghuhn-Stiftung in ’s-Gravenhage [The Hague] und der Korthals-Stiftung in Amsterdam / Published with the support of the Junghuhn Foundation in ’s-Gravenhage [The Hague] and the Korthals Foundation in Amsterdam). Im Selbstverlag der Verfasserin / Self-published by the author, Buitenzorg [Bogor], 1546 pp.; pages not conventionally numbered.
  84. Korevaar, L.C., Van Donk, E., Peters, M., Deumer, P.V., Pullen, A.B., Smeenk, D.J., Theunissen, J., Van der Waal, P., Van Keppel, J.C., Uil, G.M., Noltee, F. & De Graaf, A. (1983) Wat betekent die naam. Botanisch Latijn toegankelijk gemaakt. Een alfabetische lijst van botanischen namen van succulente en aanverwante planten met hun verklaring. Eindredactie A. de Graaf. Buining-fonds, Nederlands-Belgische vereniging van liefhebbers van cactussen en andere vetplanten, Succulenta, place of publication not stated, 164 pp.
  85. Kuligowska Mackenzie, K., Lütken, H., Lopes Coelho, L., Dibbern Kaaber, M., Nymark Hegelund, J. & Müller, R. (2018) Chapter 19. Kalanchoë. In: van Huylenbroeck, J. (Ed.) Handbook of Plant Breeding. Vol. 11. Ornamental crops. [Editors-in-Chief, I. Rajcan & J. Vollman.] Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 453–479.
  86. Lamarck, J. (1786 [16 October]) Encyclopédie méthodique. Botanique 2 (1). Panckoucke, Paris & Plomteux, Liège, 774 pp.
  87. Leandri, J. (1962) Henri Perrier de la Bâthie, 11 août 1873–2 octobre 1958. Taxon 11 (1): 1–3.
  88. Linnaeus, C. (1753) Species plantarum, exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad generarelatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas. Vol. 1. Salvius, Stockholm, 560 pp. [Aloe L. treated on pp. 319–323, Cotyledon L., nom. cons., treated on pp. 429–430].
  89. Mannoni, O. & Boiteau, P. (1947) Quatre Kalanchoe nouveaux de Madagascar. Notulae Systematicae. Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle [Phanerogamie] [Tome XIII] 13 (1 & 2): 149–154. []
  90. Marshall, W. Taylor & Woods, R.S. (1938) Glossary of succulent plant terms. A glossary of botanical terms and pronouncing vocabulary of generic and specific names used in connection with xerophytic plants. Cactus and Succulent Society of America, place of publication not stated, 112 pp.
  91. Metzing, D. (2017) The scientific heritage of the gardener, botanist, and succulent researcher Alwin Berger. [In: M. Mariotti & L. Minuto (Eds.) Alwin Berger and others. The signs of German culture in the gardens and in the Riviera landscape before and after the Great War. Proceedings of a conference held on 28 October 2016 organised by Università degli Studi di Genova, Centro Servizi di Ateneo per i Giardini Botanici Hanbury, with the support of the Alwin Berger Archiv, Möschlitz, Germany. Giardini Botanici Hanbury, La Mortola, Ventimiglia, Italy.] Bollettino dei Musei e degli Istituti Biologici dell’Università di Genova 79: 17–44.
  92. Mitich, L.W. (1993) Edward C. Hummel—plantsman and hybridiser. Cactus and Succulent Journal (US) 65 (2): 90–95.
  93. Nerlekar, A.N. (2016 [March]) Herbarium collections of the Botany Department, Fergusson College, Pune, India. Taprobanica 8 (1): 24–32 + Plates 11–13.
  94. Pattock. (2022) Cactus Talk. Comments on Kalanchoe etymology. CactusWorld 40 (2): 148.
  95. Penzig, [A.J.]O. (Ed.) (1893) Atti del Congresso Botanico Internazionale di Genova 1892. Tipografia del R. Istituto Sordo-Muti, Genoa, xx + 583 pp. + 22 Plates.
  96. Perrier de la Bâthie, [J.M.]H.[A.] (1921) Le végétation malgache. Annales [de l’Institut Botanico-Géologique] du Musée Colonial de Marseille (Paris), sér. 3, 9: 1–268, 3 plates, 1 map.
  97. Perrier de la Bâthie, [J.M.]H.[A.] (1928 [Février]) Observations nouvelles sur le genre Kalanchoe. Archives de Botanique II, Bulletin Mensuel, Caen 2 (2): 17–31.
  98. Persoon, C.H. (1805 [1 April–15 June 1805]) Synopsis plantarum, seu enchiridium botanicum, complectens enumerationem systematicam specierum hucusque cognitorum. Pars prima. Apud Carol. Frid. Cramerum, Parisiis lutetiorum [Paris] et apud J.G. Cottam, Tubingæ [London], 546 pp.
  99. Polhill, D. & Polhill, R.[M.]. (2015) East African plant collectors. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Richmond, Surrey, 520 pp.
  100. Raadts, E.[M.] (1977) The genus Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae) in Tropical East Africa. Willdenowia 8 (1): 101–157.
  101. Raadts, E. (1979) Eine neue und eine seltene Kalanchoë aus Kenia (Ost-Afrika). [Kalanchoe fadeniorum. Raadts sp. nov. and K. bipartita Chiov.] Willdenowia 9 (2): 285–287 + three Figures.
  102. Raadts, E. (1984) Cytotaxonomische Untersuchungen an Kalanchoë (Crassulaceae) 1. Kalanchoë marmorata Baker und 2 neue Kalanchoë-Arten aus Ostafrika. Willdenowia 13 (2): 373–385.
  103. Raymond-Hamet. (1915) Sur quelques Kalanchoe de la flore Malgache. I. Bryophyllum crenatum Baker, Kalanchoe laxiflora Baker, Kalanchoe Tieghemi Raymond-Hamet et Kalanchoe crenata Raymond-Hamet. II. Kalanchoe orgyalis Baker et Kalanchoe antanosiana Drake del Castillo. III. Kitchingia porphyrocalyx Baker, Kalanchoe porphyrocalyx Baillon et Kalanchoe sulphurea Baker. IV. Kitchingia campanulata Baker, Kitchingia parviflora Baker, Kitchingia panduriformis Baker, Kitchingia amplexicaulis Baker, Kalanchoe campanulata Baillon. Kalanchoe parviflora Baillon, Kalanchoe panduriformis Baillon et Kalanchoe amplexicaulis Baillon. Annales du Musée Colonial de Marseille, sér. 3, 3: 123–164. []
  104. Raymond-Hamet. (1916) Sur un groupe de transition reliant le genre Kalanchoe au genre Cotyledon. Revue Générale de Botanique, Paris XXVIII: 80–84. []
  105. Raymond-Hamet. (1941) Sur une nouvelle espèce de Kalanchoe: le Kalanchoe Stearni (Crassulacées). Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, sér. 2, 13: 331–334. []
  106. Raymond-Hamet. (1950) Sur deux Kalanchoe, l’un, insuffisamment connu, de l’Angola, l’autre, nouveau, récolté dans la colonie portugaise du Moçambique. [Kalanchoe fernandesii Raym.-Hamet, with a discussion of K. velutina]. Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana (2.A sér,) 24: 97–113, com quatro estampas: Planche I–IV.
  107. Raymond-Hamet. (1956) Crassulacearum icones selectae. Fascicle 2. Published by the author, Paris, Tab. 21–40.
  108. Raymond-Hamet. (1963a) Crassulacearum icones selectae. Fascicle 5. Published by the author, Paris, Tab. 81–100.
  109. Raymond-Hamet. (1963b) Sur quatre Kalanchoe—dont trois nouveaux—de l’Angola et sur un Kalanchoe du Mozambique. [Kalanchoe salazarii; K. exellii; and K. hametorum]. Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana (2.A sér.) 37: 5–33, com cinco estampas: Planche I–V.
  110. Raymond-Hamet & Perrier de la Bâthie, [J.M.]H.[A.] (1914) Nouvelle contribution à l’étude des Crassulacées malgaches. Annales du Musée Colonial de Marseille, sér. 3, 2: 113–207. []
  111. Raymond-Hamet & Perrier de la Bâthie, [J.M.]H.[A.]. (1915) Troisième contribution a l’étude des Crassulacées Malgaches. Annales du Musée Colonial de Marseille, sér. 3, 3: 63–117. []
  112. Rendle, A.B. (1932) African notes.—II. (continued from p. 78, to be continued, continued on p. 131). [Kalanchoe zimbabwensis Rendle on p. 90]. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign [London] LXX: 89–96. []
  113. Richard, A. (1848 [26 February]) Tentamen Floræ Abyssinicæ seu Enumeratio Plantarum hucusque in plerisque Abyssiniæ provinciis detectarum et præcipue a beatis doctoribus Richard Quartin Dillon et Antonio Petit (annis 1838–1843) lectarum. Vol. 1. Apud Arthus Bertrand, Editorem, Parisiis, 472 pp.
  114. Roksandic, M., Radović, P., Wu, X.-J. & Bae, C.J. (2022a) Resolving the “muddle in the middle”: the case for Homo bodoensis sp. nov. Evolutionary Anthropology 31: 20–29.
  115. Roksandic, M., Radović, P., Wu, X.-J. & Bae, C.J. (2022b) Homo bodoensis and why it matters. Evolutionary Anthropology 31: 240–244.
  116. Roksandic, M., Musiba, C., Radović, P., Lindal, J., Wu, X.-J., Figueiredo, E., Smith, G.F., Roksandic, I. & Bae, C.J. (2023 [19 June]) Change in biological nomenclature is overdue and possible. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7: 1166–1167.
  117. Salisbury, R.A. (1805 [1 June 1805]) The Paradisus Londinensis: or coloured figures of plants cultivated in the vicinity of the metropolis 1. Published by William Hooker, No. 6, Frith Street, city not stated, presumably London, 157 pp. & 117 plates.
  118. Sánchez de Lorenzo-Cáceres, J.M. (2016) Epónimos del género Kalanchoe Adanson (Crassulaceae). Bouteloua 23: 43–50.
  119. Sasi, S.R. & Nampy, S. (2022 [published online on 25 January 2023]) Kalanchoe dineshii (Crassulaceae), a new species from southern Western Ghats, India. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 79 (2): e127, 5 pp.
  120. Schlechter, R. (1897) Decades plantarum novarum Austro-Africanarum. Continued from p. 283. Decas V. [Kalanchoe pentheri Schltr. on p. 341.] Journal of Botany, British and Foreign (London) 35: 340–345. []
  121. Schmalfuß, L. (2017) Alwin Berger: his life, his family and friends. [In: M. Mariotti & L. Minuto (Eds.) Alwin Berger and others. The signs of German culture in the gardens and in the Riviera landscape before and after the Great War. Proceedings of a conference held on 28 October 2016 organised by Università degli Studi di Genova, Centro Servizi di Ateneo per i Giardini Botanici Hanbury, with the support of the Alwin Berger Archiv, Möschlitz, Germany. Giardini Botanici Hanbury, La Mortola, Ventimiglia, Italy.] Bollettino dei Musei e degli Istituti biologici dell’Università di Genova 79: 9–16.
  122. Schneider, N. (1914) Les Kalanchoe et leur culture. [Kalanchoe ena Hort. ex N.Schneider on p. 22.] Revue Horticole; résumé de tout ce qui parait d’intéressant en jardinage [etc.] [Paris] Nouvelle Série, XIV: 20–22. []
  123. Schremmer, K. (1991) A glossary of the names and terms used in connection with cacti & other succulent plants. Published by the author, Kensington, Australia, 108 pp.
  124. Shaw, J.M.H. (2008) An investigation of the cultivated Kalanchoe daigremontiana group, with a checklist of Kalanchoe cultivars. Hanburyana 3: 17–79.
  125. Shaw, J.M.H. (2018) Raymond Hamet (25th March 1890–2nd Oct 1972)—a little known Sedum enthusiast. Sedum Society Newsletter 125: 72–80.
  126. Shtein, R. & Smith, G.F. (2021a) A revision of the climbing kalanchoes (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) of Madagascar including the description of Kalanchoe sect. Invasores and K. ser. Vilana. Phytotaxa 482 (2): 93–120.
  127. Shtein, R. & Smith, G.F. (2021b) Kalanchoe torrejacqii (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae), a new species in K. subg. Bryophyllum from the Namorona River valley, Madagascar. Phytotaxa 498 (3): 205–212.
  128. Shtein, R., Smith, G.F. & Ikeda, J. (2021b) Aspects of the taxonomy of the Kalanchoe daigremontiana species complex (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) and associated interspecific hybrids in southern Madagascar, with the description of a new nothospecies, K. ×descoingsii (=K. laetivirens × K. tubiflora). Phytotaxa 524 (4): 235–260.
  129. Shtein, R., Smith, G.F. & Klein, D.-P. (2021a) The real identity of the Malagasy Kalanchoe rosei (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) finally resolved, and the description of a new species, K. perrieri. Phytotaxa 502 (3): 259–276.
  130. Smith, G.F. (2020a) Nomenclature of the partial infrageneric classification proposed for Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) by René C.J.E. Maire in 1976. Phytotaxa 468 (2): 231–235.
  131. Smith, G.F. (2020b) The kalanchoes (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) of Raymond-Hamet (1890–1972). Bradleya 38: 120–140.
  132. Smith, G.F. (2020c) Kalanchoe Adans. subg. Fernandesiae Gideon F.Sm. (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae), a new subgenus from southern and south-tropical Africa. Haseltonia 27: 2–7.
  133. Smith, G.F. (2020d) Kalanchoe ×estrelae (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae): a new nothospecies for the hybrid between K. luciae and K. sexangularis. Phytotaxa 441 (2): 225–228.
  134. Smith, G.F. (2020e) Kalanchoe ×hummeliae Gideon F.Sm.: the hybrid between K. beharensis Drake and K. millotii Raym.-Hamet & H.Perrier (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae). Bradleya 38: 89–93.
  135. Smith, G.F. (2021) Reinstatement of Kalanchoe [subg. Bryophyllum] sect. Alatae (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) for K. porphyrocalyx and K. uniflora, two Malagasy endemics. Bradleya 39: 177–181.
  136. Smith, G.F. (2022a) A review of the cytotaxonomy of Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) with reference to evolutionary trends in the genus. Phytotaxa 560 (2): 153–185.
  137. Smith, G.F. (2022b) A review of the ecology and natural history of Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) in southern Africa. Bradleya 40: 161–184.
  138. Smith, G.F. (2022c) Kalanchoe sect. Raveta (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) of Raymond-Hamet (1916): a long-overlooked name in K. subg. Kalanchoe. Phytotaxa 550 (2): 208–212.
  139. Smith, G.F. (2022d) Date and place of publication and author attribution of the combination Kalanchoe sect. Raveta (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae). Phytotaxa 560 (1): 131–134.
  140. Smith, G.F. (2022e) Of paddles, soup plates, and clubs: the taxonomy of the southern and south-tropical African Kalanchoe sect. Raveta (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae; Kalanchoe subg. Kalanchoe) and its constituent species. Phytotaxa 568 (1): 8–26.
  141. Smith, G.F. (2022f) Notes on Kalanchoe subg. Bryophyllum (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) and the kalanchoes of Sijfert H. Koorders (1919). Phytotaxa 549 (1): 87–96.
  142. Smith, G.F. (2022g) Identity of Kalanchoe ‘Fang’ and K. ‘Rose Leaf’, two cultivars derived from K. ×edwardii (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae), with notes on aspects of interspecific hybridisation in the genus. Bradleya 40: 151–160.
  143. Smith, G.F. (2022h) Kalanchoe ×verdoorniae [K. luciae × K. winteri] (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae), a new, large-growing nothospecies from South Africa. Phytotaxa 568 (1): 72–82.
  144. Smith, G.F. (2022i) The taxonomy and nomenclature of Kalanchoe ×vadensis [K. blossfeldiana × K. marmorata var. somaliensis] (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae), an early nothospecies produced in The Netherlands in the 1950s. Phytotaxa 561 (2): 199–209.
  145. Smith, G.F. (2023a) The ‘woody clade’ in Kalanchoe: reinstatement and amendment of K. subg. Calophygia (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) published by Bernard Marie Descoings in 2006. Phytotaxa 616 (2): 113–127.
  146. Smith, G.F. (2023b) A reassessment of combinations previously proposed or published for Kalanchoe subg. Alatae (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) and its valid publication at the rank of subgenus. Phytotaxa 585 (1): 61–66.
  147. Smith, G.F. (2023c) Reinstatement of Kalanchoe stearnii (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae; K. subg. Kalanchoe), a small-growing, rotundifolioid species, likely from southern Africa. Phytotaxa 613 (1): 47–54.
  148. Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2013) Succulent paradise. Twelve great gardens of the world. Struik Lifestyle, an imprint of Random House Struik (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town, 184 pp.
  149. Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2018) The infrageneric classification and nomenclature of Kalanchoe Adans. (Crassulaceae), with special reference to the southern African species. Bradleya 36: 162–172.
  150. Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2020) The nomenclature and taxonomy of Kalanchoe nyikae (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae), a little-known species from East Africa. Phytotaxa 454 (2): 153–158.
  151. Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2021) (126) Proposal to add a new Article 61.6 to permanently and retroactively eliminate epithets with the root “caf[e]r- ”or “caff[e]r-” from the nomenclature of algae, fungi, and plants. Taxon 70 (6): 1395–1396.
  152. Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2022a) ‘Rhodes-’ must fall: some of the consequences of colonialism for botany and plant nomenclature. Taxon 71 (1): 1–5.
  153. Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2022b) Nomenclatural notes on the economically important Flaming Katy, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae). Phytotaxa 549 (1): 104–110.
  154. Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2022c) Lectotypification of the name Kalanchoe wildii (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae). Phytotaxa 538 (2): 157–162.
  155. Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2022d) Nomenclatural and taxonomic notes on the names published in Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) by Drake del Castillo in 1903. Phytotaxa 547 (2): 158–166.
  156. Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2022e) Kalanchoe ×sogae (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) derived from Kalanchoe lateritia × K. sexangularis, with notes on the inheritance of hairiness and resistance against phytophagous insects in Kalanchoe hybrids. Phytotaxa 572 (1): 97–106.
  157. Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2023a) Kalanchoe daigremontiana. Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae. Flowering Plants of Africa 68: 56–68, plate 2386.
  158. Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2023b) Kalanchoe orgyalis. Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae. Flowering Plants of Africa 68: 92–105, plate 2389.
  159. Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2023c) Kalanchoe krigeae (K. subg. Kalanchoe; Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae), a new, small-growing species from northeastern South Africa split off from K. rotundifolia. Phytotaxa 603 (3): 280–288.
  160. Smith, G.F., Figueiredo, E., Loureiro, J. & Crouch, N.R. (2019b) Kalanchoe ×gunniae Gideon F.Sm & Figueiredo (Crassulaceae), a new South African nothospecies derived from Kalanchoe paniculata Harv. × Kalanchoe sexangularis N.E.Br. Bradleya 37: 141–150.
  161. Smith, G.F., Figueiredo, E. & Van Wyk, A.E. (2019a) Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae) in southern Africa. Classification, biology, and cultivation. Academic Press, an imprint of Elsevier, London, San Diego, Cambridge (U.S.A.), and Oxford, 328 pp.
  162. Smith, G.F., Figueiredo, E. & Walker, C.C. (2021b) Kalanchoe beharensis. Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae. Madagascar. Flowering Plants of Africa 67: 50–59, plate 2365.
  163. Smith, G.F. & Hankey, A. (2021) Kalanchoe ×forbesiae (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) derived from K. lubangensis × K. sexangularis: towards improved horticultural material. Phytotaxa 528 (5): 290–300.
  164. Smith, G.F. & Molteno, S. (2019) Aloestrela Molteno & Gideon F.Sm. (Asphodelaceae: Alooideae), a new alooid genus with A. suzannae (Decary) Molteno & Gideon F.Sm. as the only species. Bradleya 37: 3–7.
  165. Smith, G.F. & Monro, A.M. (2022a) The nomenclature and taxonomy of Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae resolved. Phytotaxa 555 (3): 241–251.
  166. Smith, G.F. & Monro, A.M. (2022b) (2908) Proposal to reject the name Crassulaceae subfam. Cotyledonoideae (Crassulaceae). Taxon 71 (4): 910–911.
  167. Smith, G.F., Parihar, B. & Almeida, A.M.R. (2023) A review of growth form and plant duration (life cycle) in Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) in an evolutionary and classificatory framework. Phytotaxa 592 (3): 217–254.
  168. Smith, G.F. & Shtein, R. (2020) Kalanchoe ×edwardii (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae), a nothospecies derived from K. beharensis and K. tomentosa. Phytotaxa 475 (2): 117–124.
  169. Smith, G.F. & Shtein, R. (2021a) A review of horticulturally desirable characters in Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae): variable and deviating vegetative and reproductive morphologies useful in breeding programmes. Haseltonia 28: 106–119.
  170. Smith, G.F. & Shtein, R. (2021b) Typification and homotypic synonymy of the names published in Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) by Raymond-Hamet and Henri Perrier de la Bâthie in the 1910s and in 1948. Phytotaxa 520 (1): 40–56.
  171. Smith, G.F. & Shtein, R. (2021c) The identity of Kalanchoe stearnii (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae). Phytotaxa 478 (2): 295–300.
  172. Smith, G.F. & Shtein, R. (2021d) Typification of the name Kalanchoe daigremontiana (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae). Phytotaxa 494 (2): 244–249.
  173. Smith, G.F. & Shtein, R. (2021e) Clarifying the typification of the names Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi and K. waldheimii (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae), two leaf-succulent shrubs indigenous to Madagascar. Phytotaxa 509 (1): 131–134.
  174. Smith, G.F., Shtein, R., Klein, D.-P., Parihar, B., Almeida, A., Rodewald, S. & Kadereit, G. (2021a) Special Review. Sexual and asexual reproduction in Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae): a review of known and newly recorded strategies. Haseltonia 28: 2–22.
  175. Smith, G.F., Wolff, E. & Thoumin, L. (2020) The taxonomy and nomenclature of Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri Raym.-Hamet & H.Perrier (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae), with biographical notes on Gaston Eugène Marie Bonnier (1853–1922). Bradleya 38: 94–103.
  176. Thiele, K.R., Smith, G.F., Figueiredo, E. & Hammer, T.A. (2022) Taxonomists have an opportunity to rid botanical nomenclature of inappropriate honorifics in a structured and defensible way. Taxon 71 (6): 1151–1154.
  177. Tölken, H.R. (1985) Crassulaceae. 3166, 4. Kalanchoe. 3166a, 5. Bryophyllum. In: Leistner, O.A. (Ed.) Flora of Southern Africa 14. Botanical Research Institute, Department of Agriculture and Water Supply, place of publication not stated, likely Pretoria, pp. 61–74.
  178. Turland, N.J., Wiersema, J.H., Barrie, F.R., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D.L., Herendeen, P.S., Knapp, S., Kusber, W.-H., Li, D.-Z., Marhold, K., May, T.W., McNeill, J., Monro, A.M., Prado, J., Price, M.J. & Smith, G.F. (2018) International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017. Koeltz Botanical Books, Glashütten. [Regnum Vegetabile 159], 254 pp.
  179. Van der Meer, M.H.J. (2019 [6 February]) Additions to the Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names, Part 1: Crassulaceae. Cactologia Phantastica 3 (4): 31–37.
  180. Van Jaarsveld, E.J. (2009) Aloe kamnelii, a new cliff-dwelling species of Aloe section Aloe series Rhodacanthae from the Western Cape (South Africa). Aloe 46 (2) 36–45.
  181. Verdoorn, I.C. (1946) Kalanchoe crundallii. Transvaal. Crassulaceae. The Flowering Plants of Africa 25: t. 967. []
  182. Von Poellnitz, [J.]K.[L.A.]. (1934) XV. Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana. Repertorium specierum novarum regni vegetabilis. Centralblatt für Sammlung und Veröffentlichung von Einzeldiagnosen neuer Pflanzen 35: 159–160. []
  183. Wallich, N.A. (1832) A numerical list of dried specimens of plants in the East India Company’s Museum: collected under the superintendence of Dr. Wallich of the Company’s botanic garden at Calcutta. Lithographed from a handwritten manuscript, London, 306 pp. [leaves].
  184. Welwitsch, F.M.J. (1871 [August]) 4. Kalanchoe Linn., Order L. Crassulaceae. 17. Kalanchoe scapigera Welw., in J. Britten. In: D. Oliver (Ed.) Flora of Tropical Africa (Leguminosae to Ficoideae) 2. L. Reeve & Co., London, p. 397. []
  185. Wickens, G.E. (1987) Crassulaceae. In: Polhill, R.M. (Ed.) Flora of Tropical East Africa: Crassulaceae. Published on behalf of the East African Governments by A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 66 pp.
  186. Willis, C.K., Burrows, J.E., Fish, L., Phiri, P.S.M., Chikuni, A.C. & Golding, J. (2001) Developing a greater understanding of the flora of the Nyika. Plant systematics and phytogeography for the understanding of African biodiversity. Proceedings of the XVIth AETFAT Congress. Systematics and Geography of Plants 71 (2): 993–1008.
  187. Yamamoto, Y. (1926 [10 May]) Crassulaceae. Kalanchoe Adans. Kalanchoe tashiroi. Supplementa icones plantarum formosanarum nec non et contributiones ad floram formosanam[; or, Supplementa icones of the plants of Formosa, and materials for a Flora of the island, based on a study of the collections of the Botanical Survey of the Government of Formosa], [new series] 2: 25, Figure 15. Bureau of Productive Industries, Government of Formosa, Taihoku [Taipei].

How to Cite

SMITH, GIDEON F., and ESTRELA FIGUEIREDO. 2023. “A Review and Analysis of the Use of Epithets in Infrageneric, Species, and Infraspecific Names in <em>Kalanchoe</em> (Crassulaceae Subfam. Kalanchooideae): Trends in the Plant Naming Game”. Phytotaxa 618 (3):213-42.