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Type: Article
Published: 2023-09-29
Page range: 18-30
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Three new species of Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae) from Xizang, China based on morphological and molecular evidence

School of Ecology and Environmental Science; Yunnan University; Kunming; Yunnan 650091; China
School of Ecology and Environmental Science; Yunnan University; Kunming; Yunnan 650091; China
School of Ecology and Environmental Science; Yunnan University; Kunming; Yunnan 650091; China
Key Laboratory of Mountain Ecological Restoration and Bio-Resources Utilization & Ecological Restoration Biodiversity Conservation; Chengdu Institute of Biology; Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS); Chengdu; Sichuan 610041; China
Missouri Botanical Garden; 4344 Shaw Blvd.; St. Louis; MO 63110; U.S.A.
School of Life Sciences; Yunnan University; East Outer Ring Road; Chenggong District; Kunming; Yunnan 650500; China
CAS Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia; Kunming Institute of Botany; Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS); Kunming; Yunnan 650201; China
Pteridophytes bulbils Medog Polystichum hookerianum Polystichum obliquum Tibet


Three new species of the shield fern genus, Polystichum sunhangii, P. wusugongii, and P. xinfeniae, were described based on morphological and molecular evidence. The new species were discovered in Medog county, Xizang, at elevations ranging from 1200 to 2300 meters. The differences between each new species and their morphologically similar species were discussed. A phylogenetic analysis, based on five plastid markers, confirmed the recognition of the three new species in addition to their morphology.


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How to Cite

QIU, YONG-LING, JIAN-JUN YANG, XIN-MAO ZHOU, WEN-BIN JU, LI-BING ZHANG, ZHAO-RONG HE, and LIANG ZHANG. 2023. “Three New Species of <em>Polystichum</Em> (Dryopteridaceae) from Xizang, China Based on Morphological and Molecular Evidence”. Phytotaxa 618 (1):18-30.