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Published: 2023-09-29
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Typifications and nomenclatural notes on Agarista (Ericaceae, Vaccinioideae, Lyonieae)

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Av. Bento Gonçalves; 9500 Campus do Vale; Bairro Agronomia; Porto Alegre; RS 91501-970; Brazil
Embrapa Clima Temperado; Caixa Postal 403; Rodovia BR-392; Km 78; 9º Distrito; Monte Bonito; Pelotas; RS 96010-971; Brazil
Eudicots Andromeda epitype lectotype Leucothoë neotype


Thirteen names of Agarista are here typified as part of the genus taxonomic revision. We studied protologues, type specimens, digital images, negative photos at F from lost specimens originally deposited at B, and additional publications. Lectotypes are here designated for the names Agarista angustissima, Ag. ericoides, Ag. pulchella, Ag. pulchra, Andromeda neriifolia, An. oleifolia, An. pistrix, An. revoluta, Leucothoë ambigua var. longifolia, L. ambigua var. parvifolia, L. ambigua var. peduncularis, and L. rivularis. Additionally, a neotypification is proposed for the name L. columbiana. Lectotypes and neotype are designated from duplicates conserved in COL, E, F, G, HBG, K, NY, P and US. Additionally, epitypes are designated for Ag. pulchella, Ag. pistrix (a heterotypic synonym of Ag. subrotunda), and L. ambigua var. parvifolia (a heterotypic synonym of Ag. uleana) based on specimens deposited at MBM, P and NY, respectively. Comments are made concerning the correct authorship of the name Ag. coriifolia. Clarifications are made about the location of the type material of Ag. subrotunda. Lastly, the update on the collection locality of the type specimen of L. ambigua var. longifolia, a heterotypic synonym of Ag. oleifolia var. oleifolia, revealed the first and, so far, only known record of Agarista for Tocantins State in North Brazil.


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