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Type: Article
Published: 2023-09-28
Page range: 235-246
Abstract views: 121
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Hydnotrya qinghaiensis sp. nov. (Discinaceae, Pezizales) from Tibetan Plateau, China

School of Food Science and Engineering; Yangzhou University; Yangzhou; 225127; Jiangsu; China
School of Food Science and Engineering; Yangzhou University; Yangzhou; 225127; Jiangsu; China
Institute of Edible and Medicinal Fungi; College of Life Sciences; Zhejiang University; Hangzhou; 310058; Zhejiang; China
College of Life Sciences; Capital Normal University; Beijing 100048; China
School of Food Science and Engineering; Yangzhou University; Yangzhou; 225127; Jiangsu; China
College of Resources and Environment; Yunnan Agricultural University; Kunming; 650100; Yunnan; China
School of Food Science and Engineering; Yangzhou University; Yangzhou; 225127; Jiangsu; China
Fungi Diversity hypogeous fungi taxonomy truffle


Hydnotrya qinghaiensis, a new species, is described from Tibetan Plateau, China. It is characterized by the irregular globose, brownish and large ascomata. Morphologically, the new species differs from the closely related H. cerebriformis and H. variiformis by the color, size, and shape of the ascocarp and the shape of ascospores. A detailed description and comparison with closely related species are provided, and the phylogenetic placement of the new species is also discussed based on the nuclear internal transcribed spacer region (ITS).


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