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Type: Article
Published: 2023-09-28
Page range: 223-234
Abstract views: 176
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The checklist of Raphiocarpus species (Gesneriaceae, Didymocarpinae) in the flora of Vietnam with the description of a new species, R. bicallosus

Vietnam National University of Forestry; Xuan Mai; Chuong My; Ha Noi; Vietnam
Guangxi Key Laboratory of Plant Conservation and Restoration Ecology in Karst Terrain; Gesneriad Conservation Center of China; Guangxi Institute of Botany; CN-541006 Guilin; China
Vietnam National University of Forestry; Xuan Mai; Chuong My; Ha Noi; Vietnam
Vietnam National University of Forestry; Xuan Mai; Chuong My; Ha Noi; Vietnam
Vietnam National University of Forestry; Xuan Mai; Chuong My; Ha Noi; Vietnam
Vietnam National University of Forestry; Xuan Mai; Chuong My; Ha Noi; Vietnam
Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources; Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology; 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Road; Cau Giay; Hanoi; 100000; Vietnam
Komarov Botanical Institute Russian Academy of Sciences; Prof. Popov str.; 2; St. Petersburg; 197376; Russia
Eudicots endemism plant diversity plant taxonomy Thanh Hoa Province Xuan Lien Nature Reserve


The paper presents an annotated checklist of the genus Raphiocarpus (Gesneriaceae) in the flora of Vietnam with a key for identification of all 13 species hitherto recorded in the country, including newly described species. The data for each species include the accepted name, synonyms, citations of relevant regional literature, typification, information on distribution, ecology, and phenology, conservation status, as well as a list of studied specimens and taxonomic notes. Lectotypes for Raphiocarpus asper and R. evrardii are designated. A new species, Raphiocarpus bicallosus, is described here from Xuan Lien Nature Reserve, Thanh Hoa Province, N Vietnam. It is most similar to R. tamdaoensis, but differs in having distinct prophylls, a 3–5-flowered inflorescence, a dark purple-brown corolla limb, the presence of 1 staminode and 2 hairy bosses inside the tube, as well as a glabrous ovary and capsule 5–6 cm long.


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