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Type: Article
Published: 2023-09-26
Page range: 200-204
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A new combination in Dolichandra (Bignoniaceae) from Brazil

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia de Fungos; Algas e Plantas; Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; 88040-900; Florianópolis; SC; Brasil
Royal Botanic Gardens – Kew; Kew Green; Richmond; Surrey; TW9 3AE; U.K
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Campus Curitibanos; Caixa Postal 101; Rod. Ulysses Gaboardi; km 3; 89.520-000; Curitibanos; SC; Brasil
Eudicots Bignonia Dolichandra coccinea Dolichandra cynanchoides Florae Fluminensis Friar Vellozo


The Florae Fluminensis was a colonial and pioneer study about the plants of the captaincy Rio de Janeiro and localities from São Paulo state, elaborated by Friar Vellozo. In the publication of the manuscript, many problems happened and this resulted in loss of priority from names of Vellozo. But in recent years, review in the nomenclature of the species has designated the correct authorship of many names. A new combination Dolichandra coccinea, based on Vellozo's Bignonia coccinea from Florae Fluminensis, for the species currently known as D. cynanchoides is provided. This taxonomic novelty was provided along with typification, nomenclatural, and taxonomic notes.


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