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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2024-01-31
Page range: 297-300
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On Brébisson’s Considérations sur les Diatomées et essai d’une classification des genres et des espèces appartenant à cette famille (1838)

Department of Life Sciences; the Natural History Museum; Cromwell Road; London; SW7 5BD; UK
Meise Botanic Garden, Research Department, Nieuwelaan 38, 1860 Meise, Belgium & University of Antwerp, Department of Biology – ECOSPHERE, Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Wilrijk, Belgium
Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Königin-Luise-Str. 6-8, 14195 Berlin, Germany
brebisson General


Currently the phycologist, naturalist and photographer Louis Alphonse de Brébisson (1798–1872, see Malbranche 1872; abbreviation: Bréb.) is known by a few canonical publications, available as modern reprints or as digital representations on the Internet. However, the history of his early publications on diatoms is much more complicated than expected.


  1. Brébisson, [L. A.] de (1838a [1er Janvier 1838’]) Considérations sur les Diatomées et essai d’une classification des genres et des espèces appartenant à cette famille. Mémoires de la Société Académique, Agricole, Industrielle et d’Instruction de l’Arrondissements de Falaise 1: 27–46. []
  2. Brébisson, [L. A.] de (1838b [1er Janvier 1838’]) Corrections et additions au mémoire sur les diatomées. Mémoires de la Société Académique, Agricole, Industrielle et d’Instruction de l’Arrondissement de Falaise 1: 148–149. []
  3. Brébisson, [L. A.] de (1838c [Oct.]) Considérations sur les Diatomées et essai d’une classification des genres et des espèces appartenant à cette famille. Brée l’Aîné Imprimeur-Libraire (Falaise), Meilhac (Paris), pp. [i], [1]–20 [21, 22 unnumbered]. []
  4. Brébisson, [L. A.] de (1881) Considérations sur les Diatomées et essai d’une classification des genres et des espèces appartenant à cette famille. Brebissonia Année 3 (8, Feb.): 116–126; Brebissonia Année 3 (9, Mars): 129–140; Corrections et additions a mémoire sur les diatomées. Brebissonia Année 3 (9, Mars): 141–142. []; []; []
  5. Brébisson, L.A. de & Godey, L.-L. 1835. Algues des environs de Falaise, décrites et dessinées… Mémoires de la Société Académique des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres de Falaise 1835 (1836): 1–62 [Corrections et additions a mémoire sur les algues, par M.M. de Brébisson et Godey […] pp. 256, 267—269], 8 pls. [;2]
  6. Deby, J. (1882) A bibliography of the microscope and micrographic studies being a catalogue of books and papers in the library of Julien Deby. Part III. The Diatomaceae. Privately Printed, London.
  7. De Toni, G.B. (1891) Sylloge algarum omnium hucusque cognitarum. Vol. II. Bacillarieae; sectio I. Rhaphideae. Typis Seminarrii, Patavii, pp. i–cxxxii, 1–489. []
  8. Malbranche, M.A. (1872) Notice sur M. de Brébisson. Bulletin de la Sociètè des Amis des Siences Naturales de Rouen 8 (2): 187–196.
  9. Miller, K.A. (2014) Obituary: Paul Claude Silva (1922–2014). Botanica Marina 57 (4): 241–242.
  10. Mills, F.W. (1933) An Index to the Genera and Species of the Diatomaceae and their Synonyms, 1816–1932. Part I (A). Wheldon & Wesley, Limited. London.
  11. Van de Vijver, B. & Kusber, W.-H. (2022) Typification of Sigmatella subrecta Bréb. and its transfer to the genus Gyrosigma (Naviculaceae, Bacillariophyta). Notulae Algarum 263: 1–5.
  12. VanLandingham, S.L. (1967) Catalogue of the fossil and recent genera and species of diatoms and their synonyms. Part I. Acanthoceras through Bacillaria. J. Cramer 1: i–xi, 1–493.
  13. VanLandingham, S.L. (1968) Catalogue of the fossil and recent genera and species of diatoms and their synonyms. Part II. Bacteriastrum through Coscinodiscus. J. Cramer 2: v–vii, 494–1086.
  14. VanLandingham, S.L. (1969) Catalogue of the fossil and recent genera and species of diatoms and their synonyms. Part III. Coscinophaena through Fibula. J. Cramer 3: 1087–1756.
  15. VanLandingham, S.L. (1971) Catalogue of the fossil and recent genera and species of diatoms and their synonyms. Part IV. Fragilaria through Naunema. J. Cramer 4: xi–xiv, 1757–2385.
  16. VanLandingham, S.L. (1975) Catalogue of the fossil and recent genera and species of diatoms and their synonyms. Part V. Navicula. J. Cramer 5: 2386–2963.
  17. VanLandingham, S.L. (1978a) Catalogue of the fossil and recent genera and species of diatoms and their synonyms. Part VI. Neidium through Rhoicosigma. J. Cramer 6: 2964–3605.
  18. VanLandingham, S.L. (1978b) Catalogue of the fossil and recent genera and species of diatoms and their synonyms. Part VII. Rhoicosphenia through Zygoceros. J. Cramer 7: 3606–4241.
  19. VanLandingham, S.L. (1979) Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms. Part VIII. Supplementary Taxa (through 1964), Supplementary References, Synonymy, Addendum, Corrections, Additions. J. Cramer 8: 4242–4654.

How to Cite

WILLIAMS, DAVID M., BART VAN DE VIJVER, and WOLF-HENNING KUSBER. 2024. “On Brébisson’s <em>Considérations Sur Les Diatomées Et Essai d’une Classification Des </em><em>genres Et Des espèces Appartenant à Cette famille</Em> (1838)”. Phytotaxa 635 (4):297-300.