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Type: Article
Published: 2023-12-07
Page range: 255-265
Abstract views: 262
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Alexa duckeana (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae): a new species from the Brazilian Amazon

Universidade Estadual de Campinas; Instituto de Biologia; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Vegetal; Rua Monteiro Lobato 255; 13083–862; Campinas; São Paulo; Brazil
Instituto de Botânica Sistemática. O Jardim Botânico de Nova York
Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro; DIPEQ. Rua Pacheco Leão 915; Jardim Botânico; 22460–030; Rio de Janeiro; Rio de Janeiro; Brazil
Fabaceae Pará Taxonomy Tropical Forest Eudicots


Alexa (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) comprises nine species of Amazonian trees. An updated analysis of morphological variation in the genus indicated that material identified as Alexa grandiflora in herbaria constituted two distinct species, one of which appeared to be new. Subsequent fieldwork further supported the distinction. Here, we describe the new species, Alexa duckeana, which differs from A. grandiflora, most notably by lacking extrafloral glands and by having shorter pedicels and shorter racemes with more congested flowers. Alexa duckeana occurs only in the southeastern region of Pará, in northern Brazil. We assess its conservation status as Endangered. In addition to the description, we provide an illustration and distribution map for the new species, taxonomic comparisons, and an identification key for the species of Alexa that occur in Brazil.



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