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Type: Article
Published: 2023-08-24
Page range: 195-208
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A new species of Russula subgenus Russula (Russulaceae, Russulales) from Yanshan Mountains, North China

College of Life Science; Capital Normal University; Beijing; 100048; China
College of Life Science; Capital Normal University; Beijing; 100048; China
College of Life Science; Capital Normal University; Beijing; 100048; China
Fungi Ectomycorrhizal fungi taxonomy phylogenetic analysis


A new species of Russula subgenus Russula, Russula pseudosinoparva, is described from the Yanshan Mountains in northern China based on morphology and phylogenetic analysis of the nrITS and nrLSU-rpb2-mtSSU-tef1α gene regions. Russula pseudosinoparva is characterized macroscopically by small basidiomata with a dark red to dark pink pileus; lamellae usually forked near the stipe, with a small number of lamellulae; and microscopically by a suprapellis made up of loose and upright hyphae. Phylogenetic and morphological analyses placed the new species in the lineages of subsect. Puellarinae. As well as an illustrated description we provide a key to the species of Russula subgenus Russula distributed in China.


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