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Type: Article
Published: 2023-10-06
Page range: 123-136
Abstract views: 304
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Perenniporiopsis srijayewardenepurana sp. nov. and validation of Pyrrhoderma nigrum in Sri Lanka

Genetics and Molecular Biology Unit; Faculty of Applied Sciences; University of Sri Jayewardenepura; Nugegoda 10250; Sri Lanka; Center for Biotechnology; Department of Zoology; University of Sri Jayewardenepura; Nugegoda; Sri Lanka
Center for Yunnan Plateau Biological Resources Protection and Utilization; College of Biological Resource and Food Engineering; Qujing Normal University; Qujing 655011; China. National Institute of Fundamental Studies; Hantane Road; Kandy; Sri Lanka
Key Laboratory of Forest Disaster Warning and Control in Universities of Yunnan Province; Southwest Forestry University; Kunming 650224; P.R. China
Department of Botany and Microbiology; College of Science; King Saud University; P.O. 2455; Riyadh; 11451; Saudi Arabia
Department of Biology; Faculty of Science; Chiang Mai University; Chiang Mai; Thailand. Research Center of Microbial Diversity and Sustainable Utilization; Faculty of Science; Chiang Mai University; Chiang Mai; Thailand
Genetics and Molecular Biology Unit; Faculty of Applied Sciences; University of Sri Jayewardenepura; Nugegoda 10250; Sri Lanka
Fungi Polypores Basidiomycota ITS New species nLSU Species validation Systematics


Polypores, a diverse group of macrofungi belonging to Basidiomycota, are widespread in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. In this study, four polyporoid specimens were collected in the Western Province of Sri Lanka. Based on multilocus phylogenetic analyses of combined ITS and nLSU sequence data, along with morphological characteristics, the specimens were identified as Pyrrhoderma nigrum (Pyrrhodermanigra”) and a novel species of a recently described genus Perenniporiopsis. The new species was named P. srijayewardenepurana, while P. nigrum, which has not been validly published previously, is validated in this publication.



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How to Cite

THAMBUGALA, KASUN M., SAMANTHA C. KARUNARATHNA, CHANG-LIN ZHAO, ABDALLAH M. ELGORBAN, DANUSHKA S. TENNAKOON, and USHARI A. KONARA. 2023. “<em>Perenniporiopsis srijayewardenepurana</em> <em>sp</em>. <em>nov</em>. and Validation of <em>Pyrrhoderma </em><em>nigrum </em>In Sri Lanka”. Phytotaxa 619 (2):123-36.