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Type: Article
Published: 2023-08-09
Page range: 213-221
Abstract views: 395
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Tillandsia alcatrazensis (Bromeliaceae), a new endemic species from Alcatrazes Island in southeastern Brazil

University of Campinas (UNICAMP); Institute of Biology; Department of Plant Biology; Rua Monteiro Lobato 255; 13083-970; Campinas; São Paulo; Brazil
Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB); R. Rui Barbosa 44380-000; Cruz das Almas; Bahia; Brazil
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA); Av. André Araújo 2936; Petrópolis; 69067-375; Manaus; Amazonas; Brazil
University of Campinas (UNICAMP); Institute of Biology; Department of Plant Biology; Rua Monteiro Lobato 255; 13083-970; Campinas; São Paulo; Brazil
University of Campinas (UNICAMP); Institute of Biology; Department of Plant Biology; Rua Monteiro Lobato 255; 13083-970; Campinas; São Paulo; Brazil
University of Campinas (UNICAMP); Institute of Biology; Department of Plant Biology; Rua Monteiro Lobato 255; 13083-970; Campinas; São Paulo; Brazil
University of Campinas (UNICAMP); Institute of Biology; Department of Plant Biology; Rua Monteiro Lobato 255; 13083-970; Campinas; São Paulo; Brazil
Monocots Atlantic Forest Bromeliad conservation Poales saxicole


Based on recent field work on an insular granitic outcrop in southeast Brazil, a new Tillandsia species was collected and described here. Tillandsia alcatrazensis belongs to T. subg. Anoplophytum and is morphologically similar to T. geminiflora, from which it differs by the larger size of the whole plant in flower, larger floral bracts and longer flowers with reddish-salmon sepals and white petals, and longer styles. We present a diagnosis, description, color photographs, illustration, ecological, and phenotypical variation comments, and compares it with the morphologically related species. Tillandsia alcatrazensis is preliminarily classified as Critically Endangered (CR) due to its small and restricted distribution, although the Alcatrazes Island is part of a national protected area.



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