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Type: Article
Published: 2023-10-05
Page range: 105-110
Abstract views: 155
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On the identity of Rumex uliginosus and the occurrence of R. dentatus in Italy (Polygonaceae)

Department of Environmental Biology; University of Rome Sapienza; piazzale Aldo Moro 5; 00185 Rome; Italy. NBFC; National Biodiversity Future Center; Piazza Marina 61 (c/o palazzo Steri); I-90133 Palermo; Italy.
NBFC; National Biodiversity Future Center; Piazza Marina 61 (c/o palazzo Steri); I-90133 Palermo; Italy. Department of Agricoltural; Food and Forest Sciences; University of Palermo; Viale delle scienze; bldg. 4; 90128 Palermo; Italy.
Floristic Research Center of the Apennine; University of Camerino—Gran Sasso Laga National Park; San Colombo; 67021 Barisciano; Italy.
ICN Italy Linnaeus Rumex synonymy Sicily typification Eudicots


The identity of the name Rumex uliginosus is investigated. This species was validly described by Giovanni Gussone from central Italy (Abruzzo region) and currently considered as synonym of R. dentatus or R. palustris. The occurrence in Italy of R. dentatus is based on an old record in NW-Sicily (Boccadifalco near Palermo) as R. uliginosus by M. Lojacono-Pojero in his Flora Sicula but, actually, it is not supported by herbarium material. This Sicilian locality was reported as the only place in which R. dentatus occurs in Italy. The study of the original material of R. uliginosus allowed to: 1) lectotypify the name (on a NAP specimen) and 2) highlight that this taxon can be ascribed to R. palustris (lectotypified in this paper on a Pitchford’s collection at LINN, from Great Britain). Therefore, we here propose to exclude R. dentatus from the flora of Italy.



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