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Type: Article
Published: 2023-10-03
Page range: 181-187
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Typification of Gagea lacaitae (Liliaceae) revisited

Servicio de Vida Silvestre y Red Natura 2000; Centro para la Investigación y la Experimentación Forestal (CIEF); Generalitat Valenciana; Avda. Comarques del País Valencià 114; 46930 Quart de Poblet; Valencia; Spain
Monocots lectotype nomenclature original material Parlatore syntype


The typification of the name Gagea lacaitae (Liliaceae) is revised. A lectotypification had previously been proposed by Peruzzi and Tison in 2004 from a specimen kept at NAP (Herbarium A. Terracciano, now with barcode NAP0001973) and collected by Parlatore in 1848. However, Terracciano cited in the protologue gatherings collected by Juan Isern and Gaetano Leone Durando. Specimens of these gatherings are kept at NAP, MA, P, and PAL. Therefore, this material has preference in the lectotype designation and must be chosen according to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Art. 9.12 of the Shenzhen Code of 2018).



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