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Type: Article
Published: 2024-01-09
Page range: 241-252
Abstract views: 209
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Contribution to Cynoglossum species (Boraginaceae) in Turkey

Moravian Museum, Department of Botany, Hviezdoslavova 29a, 629 00 Brno, Czech Republic.
Armenia Azerbaidschan distribution Georgia Iran morphology species nova Turkey variability Eudicots


Three overlooked taxa, all of them with a rather extensive distribution range, from the group of Cynoglossum species of the western part of the Irano-Turanian (I-T) region are discussed. Cynoglossum teheranicum is distributed from Iran through Armenia and Georgia to the northeast of Turkey. The two newly proposed endemic species C. anatolicum is distributed over almost the entire territory of Turkey, while C. longeglochidiatum grows dispersed in a ring of localities flanking the Central Anatolian plateau. All three species belong to the group of hard to distinguish Cynoglossum species commonly classified in Turkey under C. montanum. Their distribution areas are shown on maps and the main characters used for identification are presented and illustrated. Emphasis is put on nutlet characters: length/width ratio, length of glochidia and their arrangement on the nutlet surface.


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How to Cite

SUTORÝ, KAREL. 2024. “Contribution to<em> Cynoglossum</em> Species (Boraginaceae) in Turkey”. Phytotaxa 633 (3):241-52.