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Type: Article
Published: 2023-07-17
Page range: 81-88
Abstract views: 220
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Asplenium atlanticum (Aspleniaceae), a new endemic fern from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Research Institute, National School of Tropical Botany, Postgraduate Program in Botany. Pacheco Leão Street 2040, Solar da Imperatriz, Postal code 22460-030, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, National Museum, Postgraduate Program in Botany. Quinta da Boa Vista, Postal code 20940-046, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Biology Institute, Department of Botany. Carlos Chagas Filho Avenue 373, Postal code 21941-902, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Research Institute. Pacheco Leão Street 915, Postal code 22460-030, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Endemism Hotspot Leptosporangiate Taxonomy Spores Pteridophytes


Asplenium atlanticum (Aspleniaceae), a new species from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, is described and compared to similar species. It is morphologically related to Asplenium martianum, from which it differs by having deltoid to lanceolate laminae, ovate pinnules with an obtuse apex, elliptic and linear sori, and longer stem scales. It is also similar to Asplenium muellerianum, from which it differs by having longer stem scales, deltoid to lanceolate laminae, and pinnae with an obtuse to acute apex, and to Asplenium pseudonitidum, from which it differs by having shorter and dull petiole, laminae with dentate margins, and pinnules always with obtuse apex. Asplenium atlanticum is known from Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, and Santa Catarina states. The new species is illustrated, and an identification key to its closely related species is provided.


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How to Cite

LINO, VANESSA, ATILES REIS, LANA DA SILVA SYLVESTRE, and CLAUDINE MASSI MYNSSEN. 2023. “<em>Asplenium atlanticum</Em> (Aspleniaceae), a New Endemic Fern from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest”. Phytotaxa 603 (1):81-88.