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Type: Article
Published: 2023-09-01
Page range: 93-98
Abstract views: 147
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Range extension of Marchantia formosana (Marchantiaceae, Marchantiophyta), with an updated key to Marchantiaceae taxa in East Asia

Hattori Botanical Laboratory; 6–1–26 Obi; Nichinan; Miyazaki 889-2535; Japan
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh; Inverleith Row; Edinburgh EH3 5LR; United Kingdom
Program of Basic Biology; Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life; Hiroshima University; 1–3–1 Kagamiyama; Higashihiroshima; Hiroshima 739–8526; Japan
mushroom northern China phylogeny taxonomy Fungi


Marchantia formosana is newly reported from Yunnan, China. An updated key to the East Asian taxa of the family Marchantiaceae is also provided.



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