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Type: Article
Published: 2023-05-29
Page range: 283-292
Abstract views: 196
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Parodia hofackeriana (Cactaceae—Notocacteae), a new species from southwest of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Centro Universitário da Região da Campanha - URCAMP. Programa de Pós-graduação em Geografia/UFSM - Instituto de Geociências/IG/UFSM - Santa Maria, RS.
Programa de Pós-graduação em Geografia/UFSM - Instituto de Geociências/IG/UFSM - Santa Maria, RS.
biodiversity conservation endemism Pampa Biome taxonomy Eudicots


The South American genus Parodia includes taxa that are not sufficiently known from the taxonomical point of view. Based on field surveys, and review of nomenclatural types, specimens, and literature, we found an interesting species of Parodia from rocky areas in the southwest region of Rio Grande do Sul, which is here described as Parodia hofackeriana sp. nov. Geographic distribution, phenology, habitat, conservation, and morphological affinities with related species are provided.


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