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Type: Article
Published: 2023-05-25
Page range: 229-236
Abstract views: 108
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Department of Phytoecology, Institute for Evolutionary Ecology of NAS of Ukraine. 37 Acad. Lebedev Str., Kiev 03143, Ukraine
Laboratory of Preservation and Biodiversity Renewal, Institute for Evolutionary Ecology of NAS of Ukraine. 37 Acad. Lebedev Str., Kiev 03143, Ukraine
Department of Scientific Studies and Protection of Marine Biocenoses, Ukrainian Scientific Center of Ecology of the Sea (UkrSCES), 89 Frantsuzsky Blvd., Odessa 65009, Ukraine
Protoperidinium euxinum sp. nov. Dinoflagellata morphology Black Sea planktonic species Algae


A new species of DinoflagellataProtoperidinium euxinum Krachmalny sp. nov. (Protoperidiniaceae, Peridiniales) was described from the plankton of Odessa Bay (Black Sea). The species is morphologically close to P. steinii, P. mediterraneum and P. joergensenii. It differs from the listed species in elongated pentagonal body shape, conical epitheca with straight or concave lateral sides, inverse trapeziform hypotheca, and asymmetrical, laterally compressed plate 2a. Dimensions: 73.3–99.0 µm in length and 38.8–51.6 µm in width. Pictures and photomicrographs of the novel species are presented, along with detailed description and discussion.


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