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Type: Article
Published: 2023-05-19
Page range: 69-79
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Pluteus flammans, a new brightly coloured species in Pluteus sect. Celluloderma (Pluteaceae) from Central Europe

Pezinská 14, 90301 Senec, Slovakia.
New Brunswick Museum, 277 Douglas Ave., Saint John, NB E2K 1E5, Canada.
Slovak National Museum - Natural History Museum, Vajanského nábrežie. 2, P.O. Box 13, 81006 Bratislava, Slovakia.
Slovak National Museum - Natural History Museum, Vajanského nábrežie. 2, P.O. Box 13, 81006 Bratislava, Slovakia.
Department of Plant Anatomy, Institute of Biology, Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary.
Department of Botany, Moravian Museum, Zelný trh 6, CZ-659 37 Brno, Czech Republic.
new species Hispidoderma Celluloderma trichoderm Fungi


In this article we describe a new species, Pluteus flammans, that is characterised by bright orange-red colours, a villose and translucently striate pileus, and a trichodermal pileipellis. The species is described based on material from Slovakia and Hungary, where it grows on well-decayed angiosperm wood (Quercus spp., Fagus sylvatica, and Tilia sp.). In the phylogenetic analyses (LSU, ITS and TEF1-α) P. flammans appears as sister to the North American Pluteus aurantipes, which also has brightly coloured basidiomes, however this species differs in the bright red stipe, darker colours of the pileus, slightly larger basidiospores, and shorter caulocystidia. Molecular data supports the recognition of both taxa as separate species, and confirms their placement in Pluteus sect. Celluloderma, despite the fact that P. aurantipes was originally considered to belong to Pluteus sect. Hispidoderma.


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How to Cite

POLHORSKÝ, ADAM, ALFREDO JUSTO, DANA SZABÓOVÁ, ZUZANA KONYARIKOVÁ, BÁLINT DIMA, and HANA ŠEVČÍKOVÁ. 2023. “<em>Pluteus flammans</em>, a New Brightly Coloured Species in <em>Pluteus</em> Sect. <em>Celluloderma</Em> (Pluteaceae) from Central Europe”. Phytotaxa 598 (1):69-79.