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Type: Article
Published: 2023-04-20
Page range: 196-216
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Molecular phylogeny of Onobrychis sect. Onobrychis (Fabaceae-Hedysareae) with insights into its taxonomy and character evolution

Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran 14115-154, Iran
Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran 14115-154, Iran
Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran 14115-154, Iran
Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran 14115-154, Iran
Phylogenetic analysis character evolution Onobrychis sect. Onobrychis monophyly subsection Eudicots


Onobrychis sect. Onobrychis, as the most species-rich section of the genus Onobrychis, ranges from Central Asia to Europe with a south extension into North Africa. In this study, we concentrated on the systematics of previously poorly represented O.sect. Onobrychis using a substantial taxon sampling. To test the monophyly of the section as well as to clarify interspecific relationships, the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer(nrDNA ITS) and three chloroplast sequences (ndhF-rlp32, rpl32-trnL(UAG), and trnG(UCC)-trnS(GCU)) were employed. Phylogenetic analyses were performed by maximum likelihood and Bayesian inferences. The results showed that O.sect. Onobrychis is monophyletic and composed of two main well-supported clades which are redefined as two subsections (O.subsect. Onobrychis, O. subsect. Macropterae).Ancestral character reconstruction of morphological traits: life form, wing to standard ratio, chromosome number, and ploidy level, indicated that short-winged petal is a synapomorphy for a group of species in the section while other traits have undergone parallel evolution. Possessing the basic chromosome number x= 7 has arisen twice, independently. It seems that perenniality and polyploidy are probably the key innovations in the diversification of O. sect. Onobrychis.


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How to Cite

HADADI, ANAHITA, AKRAM KAVEH, HANYIEH NAFISI, and SHAHROKH KAZEMPOUR-OSALOO. 2023. “Molecular Phylogeny of <em>Onobrychis</em> Sect. <em>Onobrychis</Em> (Fabaceae-Hedysareae) With Insights into Its Taxonomy and Character Evolution”. Phytotaxa 592 (3):196-216.