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Type: Article
Published: 2023-03-14
Page range: 184-192
Abstract views: 71
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Chamaepinnularia taihangensis sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae), a new diatom species from Taihang Valley, Shanxi province, China

School of Life Science, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China
School of Life Science, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China
School of Life Science, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China
School of Life Science, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China
Museum of Natural History and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, UCB 218, Boulder, Colorado 80309 USA
School of Life Science, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China
freshwater morphology new species taxonomy ultrastructure Algae


A new species was discovered in Taihang Valley, Shanxi province, China. It shared the typical characteristics of the genus Chamaepinnularia, such as chambered striae, vela-covered areolae and small frustules. Valves of Chamaepinnularia taihangensis sp. nov. are linear-lanceolate with capitate apices. Valve margins showed distinct triple curvatures in light microscopy. Axial area and central area narrow, rhombic. The new species was compared with the four related taxa, C. hassiaca, C. justa, C. krookiformis and C. soehrensis. These species differed from the new species in valve outline, valve size, stria density and the shape of the central area. The details of the valves as shown by light and scanning electron microscopy are described. This new species occurs in benthic and epiphyte habitats. We discuss the ecological breadth and systematic position of the genus Chamaepinnularia.


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