<p>Adanson, M. (1763) <em>Familles des Plantes</em>.<em> Seconde Partie. Etat actuel de la Botanike</em>. Chez Vincent, Imprimeur-Libraire de M<sup>gt</sup> le Comte de Provence, Paris, 640 pp. [https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/6958#page/794/mode/1up]</p>
<p>Compton, R.H. (1967) Plantae novae Africanae. Series XXXII. <em>Journal of South African Botany</em> 33: 293–304. [https://archive.org/details/journalofsouthaf33unse/page/293]</p>
<p>Figueiredo, E. & Smith, G.F. (2017) Notes on the discovery and type of <em>Kalanchoe rotundifolia</em> (Haw.) Haw. (Crassulaceae). <em>Bradleya</em> 35: 106–112. https://doi.org/10.25223/brad.n35.2017.a9</p>
<p>Haworth, A.H. (1824a [September]) XXXI. Decas novarum Plantarum Succulentarum. (“Mr Haworth’s <em>Decade of new Succulent Plants</em>.”). <em>The Philosophical Magazine and Journal </em>[comprehending various branches of science, the liberal and fine arts, agriculture, manufactures, and commerce] 64: 184–191. https://doi.org/10.1080/14786442408644582</p>
<p>Haworth, A.H. (1824b) L. Decas secunda novarum Plantarum Succulentarum. (“Mr Haworth’s <em>Second Decade of new Succulent Plants</em>.”). <em>The Philosophical Magazine & Journal </em>[comprehending various branches of science, the liberal and fine arts, agriculture, manufactures, and commerce] 64: 298–302. [https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/53102#page/324/mode/1up]</p>
<p>Haworth, A.H. (1825 [06 July]) III. Decas quarta novarum Plantarum Succulentarum (“Mr Haworth’s <em>Fourth Decade of new Succulent Plants</em>.”). <em>The Philosophical Magazine and Journal </em>[comprehending various branches of science, the liberal and fine arts, agriculture, manufactures, and commerce] 66: 27–33. https://doi.org/10.1080/14786442508673917</p>
<p>Hoare, D.B., Mucina, L., Rutherford, M.C., Vlok, J.H.J., Euston-Brown, D.I.W., Palmer, A.R., Powrie, L.W., Lechmere-Oertel, R.G., Procheş, S.M., Dold, A.P. & Ward, R.A. (2006) 10. Albany Thicket Biome. <em>In</em>: Mucina, L. & Rutherford, M.C. (eds.) <em>The vegetation of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland</em>. Strelitzia 19. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, pp. 540–567.</p>
<p>Smith, G.F. (2020) <em>Kalanchoe</em> Adans. subg. <em>Fernandesiae</em> Gideon F.Sm. (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae), a new subgenus from southern and south-tropical Africa. <em>Haseltonia</em> 27: 2–7. https://doi.org/10.2985/026.027.0101</p>
<p>Smith, G.F. (2021) Reinstatement of <em>Kalanchoe decumbens</em> Compton (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae), an endemic species from eastern southern Africa. <em>Bradleya</em> 39: 163–171. https://doi.org/10.25223/brad.n39.2021.a15</p>
<p>Smith, G.F. (2022) <em>Kalanchoe</em> sect. <em>Raveta</em> (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) of Raymond-Hamet (1916): a long-overlooked name in <em>K</em>. subg. <em>Kalanchoe</em>. <em>Phytotaxa</em> 550 (2): 208–212. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.550.2.10</p>
<p>Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2017) Notes on <em>Kalanchoe rotundifolia </em>(Haw.) Haw. (Crassulaceae) in southern Africa: the taxonomy of a species complex. <em>Haseltonia</em> 23: 57–71. https://doi.org/10.2985/026.023.0109</p>
<p>Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2018) The infrageneric classification and nomenclature of <em>Kalanchoe </em>Adans. (Crassulaceae), with special reference to the southern African species. <em>Bradleya </em>36: 162–172. https://doi.org/10.25223/brad.n36.2018.a10</p>
<p>Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2021) The floristics and phytogeography of <em>Kalanchoe</em> Adans. (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) in the Waterberg Biosphere Reserve, northern South Africa. <em>Bradleya</em> 39: 207–220. https://doi.org/10.25223/brad.n39.2021.a22</p>
<p>Smith, G.F., Figueiredo, E. & Crouch, N.R. (2021) Expanding the known geographical distribution range of <em>Kalanchoe waterbergensis</em> (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) in northern South Africa. <em>Bradleya</em> 39: 172–176. https://doi.org/10.25223/brad.n39.2021.a16</p>
<p>Smith, G.F., Figueiredo, E. & Van Wyk, A.E. (2019) <em>Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae) in southern Africa. Classification, biology, and cultivation</em>. Academic Press, an imprint of Elsevier, London, San Diego, Cambridge (USA), and Oxford, 328 pp. https://doi.org/10.1016/C2017-0-00602-X</p>
<p>Smith, G.F. & Marx, J.G. (1990) Notes on the vegetation and succulent flora of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. <em>Aloe</em> 27 (3): 56–66.</p>
<p>Smith, G.F. & Monro, A.M. (2022) (2908) Proposal to reject the name Crassulaceae subfam. Cotyledonoideae (Crassulaceae). <em>Taxon</em> 71. [In press]</p>
<p>Smith, G.F. & Van Wyk, A.E. (1989) Biographical notes on James Bowie and the discovery of <em>Aloe bowiea</em> Schult. & J.H. Schult. (Alooideae: Asphodelaceae). <em>Taxon</em> 38 (4): 557–568.</p>
<p>Tölken, H.R. (1985) Crassulaceae. 3166, 4. <em>Kalanchoe</em>. 3166a, 5. <em>Bryophyllum</em>. <em>In</em>: O.A. Leistner (ed.) <em>Flora of Southern Africa</em> 14. Botanical Research Institute, Department of Agriculture and Water Supply, place of publication not stated, likely Pretoria, pp. 61–74.</p>
<p>Turland, N.J., Wiersema, J.H., Barrie, F.R., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D.L., Herendeen, P.S., Knapp, S., Kusber, W.-H., Li, D.-Z., Marhold, K., May, T.W., McNeill, J., Monro, A.M., Prado, J., Price, M.J. & Smith, G.F. (2018) <em>International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017</em>. Koeltz Botanical Books, Glashütten. [Regnum Vegetabile 159], 254 pp. https://doi.org/10.12705/Code.2018</p>
<p>Van Jaarsveld, E.J. (2017) <em>Kalanchoe waterbergensis</em>, a new <em>Kalanchoe</em> species from the Waterberg, Limpopo province, South Africa. <em>Bradleya</em> 35: 166–170. https://doi.org/10.25223/brad.n35.2017.a16</p>
<p>Van Wyk, A.E. & Smith, G.F. (2001) <em>Regions of floristic endemism in southern Africa. A review with emphasis on succulents</em>. Umdaus Press, Hatfield, Pretoria, 199 pp.</p>
<p>Walker, C.C., Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2019) Notes on the taxonomy, iconography, and ecology of <em>Aloe pluridens</em> Haw. (Asphodelaceae: Alooideae), an endemic species from southeastern South Africa. <em>Bradleya</em> 37: 60–72. https://doi.org/10.25223/brad.n37.2019.a28</p>
<p>Compton, R.H. (1967) Plantae novae Africanae. Series XXXII. <em>Journal of South African Botany</em> 33: 293–304. [https://archive.org/details/journalofsouthaf33unse/page/293]</p>
<p>Figueiredo, E. & Smith, G.F. (2017) Notes on the discovery and type of <em>Kalanchoe rotundifolia</em> (Haw.) Haw. (Crassulaceae). <em>Bradleya</em> 35: 106–112. https://doi.org/10.25223/brad.n35.2017.a9</p>
<p>Haworth, A.H. (1824a [September]) XXXI. Decas novarum Plantarum Succulentarum. (“Mr Haworth’s <em>Decade of new Succulent Plants</em>.”). <em>The Philosophical Magazine and Journal </em>[comprehending various branches of science, the liberal and fine arts, agriculture, manufactures, and commerce] 64: 184–191. https://doi.org/10.1080/14786442408644582</p>
<p>Haworth, A.H. (1824b) L. Decas secunda novarum Plantarum Succulentarum. (“Mr Haworth’s <em>Second Decade of new Succulent Plants</em>.”). <em>The Philosophical Magazine & Journal </em>[comprehending various branches of science, the liberal and fine arts, agriculture, manufactures, and commerce] 64: 298–302. [https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/53102#page/324/mode/1up]</p>
<p>Haworth, A.H. (1825 [06 July]) III. Decas quarta novarum Plantarum Succulentarum (“Mr Haworth’s <em>Fourth Decade of new Succulent Plants</em>.”). <em>The Philosophical Magazine and Journal </em>[comprehending various branches of science, the liberal and fine arts, agriculture, manufactures, and commerce] 66: 27–33. https://doi.org/10.1080/14786442508673917</p>
<p>Hoare, D.B., Mucina, L., Rutherford, M.C., Vlok, J.H.J., Euston-Brown, D.I.W., Palmer, A.R., Powrie, L.W., Lechmere-Oertel, R.G., Procheş, S.M., Dold, A.P. & Ward, R.A. (2006) 10. Albany Thicket Biome. <em>In</em>: Mucina, L. & Rutherford, M.C. (eds.) <em>The vegetation of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland</em>. Strelitzia 19. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, pp. 540–567.</p>
<p>Smith, G.F. (2020) <em>Kalanchoe</em> Adans. subg. <em>Fernandesiae</em> Gideon F.Sm. (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae), a new subgenus from southern and south-tropical Africa. <em>Haseltonia</em> 27: 2–7. https://doi.org/10.2985/026.027.0101</p>
<p>Smith, G.F. (2021) Reinstatement of <em>Kalanchoe decumbens</em> Compton (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae), an endemic species from eastern southern Africa. <em>Bradleya</em> 39: 163–171. https://doi.org/10.25223/brad.n39.2021.a15</p>
<p>Smith, G.F. (2022) <em>Kalanchoe</em> sect. <em>Raveta</em> (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) of Raymond-Hamet (1916): a long-overlooked name in <em>K</em>. subg. <em>Kalanchoe</em>. <em>Phytotaxa</em> 550 (2): 208–212. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.550.2.10</p>
<p>Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2017) Notes on <em>Kalanchoe rotundifolia </em>(Haw.) Haw. (Crassulaceae) in southern Africa: the taxonomy of a species complex. <em>Haseltonia</em> 23: 57–71. https://doi.org/10.2985/026.023.0109</p>
<p>Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2018) The infrageneric classification and nomenclature of <em>Kalanchoe </em>Adans. (Crassulaceae), with special reference to the southern African species. <em>Bradleya </em>36: 162–172. https://doi.org/10.25223/brad.n36.2018.a10</p>
<p>Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2021) The floristics and phytogeography of <em>Kalanchoe</em> Adans. (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) in the Waterberg Biosphere Reserve, northern South Africa. <em>Bradleya</em> 39: 207–220. https://doi.org/10.25223/brad.n39.2021.a22</p>
<p>Smith, G.F., Figueiredo, E. & Crouch, N.R. (2021) Expanding the known geographical distribution range of <em>Kalanchoe waterbergensis</em> (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) in northern South Africa. <em>Bradleya</em> 39: 172–176. https://doi.org/10.25223/brad.n39.2021.a16</p>
<p>Smith, G.F., Figueiredo, E. & Van Wyk, A.E. (2019) <em>Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae) in southern Africa. Classification, biology, and cultivation</em>. Academic Press, an imprint of Elsevier, London, San Diego, Cambridge (USA), and Oxford, 328 pp. https://doi.org/10.1016/C2017-0-00602-X</p>
<p>Smith, G.F. & Marx, J.G. (1990) Notes on the vegetation and succulent flora of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. <em>Aloe</em> 27 (3): 56–66.</p>
<p>Smith, G.F. & Monro, A.M. (2022) (2908) Proposal to reject the name Crassulaceae subfam. Cotyledonoideae (Crassulaceae). <em>Taxon</em> 71. [In press]</p>
<p>Smith, G.F. & Van Wyk, A.E. (1989) Biographical notes on James Bowie and the discovery of <em>Aloe bowiea</em> Schult. & J.H. Schult. (Alooideae: Asphodelaceae). <em>Taxon</em> 38 (4): 557–568.</p>
<p>Tölken, H.R. (1985) Crassulaceae. 3166, 4. <em>Kalanchoe</em>. 3166a, 5. <em>Bryophyllum</em>. <em>In</em>: O.A. Leistner (ed.) <em>Flora of Southern Africa</em> 14. Botanical Research Institute, Department of Agriculture and Water Supply, place of publication not stated, likely Pretoria, pp. 61–74.</p>
<p>Turland, N.J., Wiersema, J.H., Barrie, F.R., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D.L., Herendeen, P.S., Knapp, S., Kusber, W.-H., Li, D.-Z., Marhold, K., May, T.W., McNeill, J., Monro, A.M., Prado, J., Price, M.J. & Smith, G.F. (2018) <em>International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017</em>. Koeltz Botanical Books, Glashütten. [Regnum Vegetabile 159], 254 pp. https://doi.org/10.12705/Code.2018</p>
<p>Van Jaarsveld, E.J. (2017) <em>Kalanchoe waterbergensis</em>, a new <em>Kalanchoe</em> species from the Waterberg, Limpopo province, South Africa. <em>Bradleya</em> 35: 166–170. https://doi.org/10.25223/brad.n35.2017.a16</p>
<p>Van Wyk, A.E. & Smith, G.F. (2001) <em>Regions of floristic endemism in southern Africa. A review with emphasis on succulents</em>. Umdaus Press, Hatfield, Pretoria, 199 pp.</p>
<p>Walker, C.C., Smith, G.F. & Figueiredo, E. (2019) Notes on the taxonomy, iconography, and ecology of <em>Aloe pluridens</em> Haw. (Asphodelaceae: Alooideae), an endemic species from southeastern South Africa. <em>Bradleya</em> 37: 60–72. https://doi.org/10.25223/brad.n37.2019.a28</p>