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Type: Article
Published: 2022-06-29
Page range: 182-190
Abstract views: 88
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Verbascum salicifolium (Scrophulariaceae) a new species from Central Macedonia, Greece

Department of Biology, University of Patras, University Campus, GR26504 Rion, Greece.
Department of Biology, University of Patras, University Campus, GR26504 Rion, Greece. Department of Agriculture, University of Patras, GR27200 Amaliada, Greece.
AEGILOPS-Greek Network for Biodiversity and Ecology in Agriculture, Focal Point, GR61100 Eleftherochori Kilkis, Greece
Department of Biology, University of Patras, University Campus, GR26504 Rion, Greece
Greek flora Balkans chloroplast genome Eudicots


Verbascum salicifolium is described and illustrated as a species new to science based on morphological and molecular evidence. Analysis of chloroplast genome markers indicated the inclusion of the new species within a group of morphologically dissimilar taxa, whereas the closest morphologically related species is sister to that group. Additionally, the chromosome number (2n = 36) and karyotype microphotograph of the new species are provided. The known distribution of V. salicifolium is confined to the eastern shores of Doiran Lake, where a single, threatened population exists. Thus, the appropriate conservation status for the species is recommended according to IUCN criteria.


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How to Cite

ZOGRAFIDIS, ARIS, ELENI LIVERI, VASILIS IOANNIDIS, and PANAYOTIS DIMOPOULOS. 2022. “<em>Verbascum salicifolium</Em> (Scrophulariaceae) a New Species from Central Macedonia, Greece”. Phytotaxa 552 (3):182-90.