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Type: Article
Published: 2022-06-23
Page range: 159-165
Abstract views: 144
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Passiflora mistratensis, a new species of Passiflora (Passifloraceae) from Colombia, commonly known from European cultivation

Department of Geography, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
UK National Collection of Passiflora, Kingston Seymore, Somerset, UK
Antioquia Colombia Passiflora danielii Mistrató Passiflora Passifloraceae Risaralda Passiflora mistratensis Eudicots


Passiflora mistratensis, a new species of Passiflora sect. Granadillastrum is described and illustrated. This species has been known for several years from its popular cultivation in European collections and horticulture, however, an official name never was assigned to this new taxon. It is endemic to the Colombian Cauca River valley where it grows in premontane tropical wet cloud forest of the states Valle de Cauca, Risaralda and Antioquia. It is most closely related to Passiflora danielii and Passiflora trisulca, from which it can be readily distinguished by the combination of its unlobed leaves and the notably shorter inflorescence and corni. Its taxonomy, ecology and conservation are discussed in this paper.


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How to Cite

KUETHE, J.R., and JOHN VANDERPLANK. 2022. “<em>Passiflora mistratensis</em>, a New Species of <em>Passiflora</Em> (Passifloraceae) from Colombia, Commonly Known from European Cultivation”. Phytotaxa 552 (2):159-65.