In this work, Myrcia urquiolae, a new endemic species of the subspinous xeromorphic scrub on serpentinites of the Sierra de Nipe, is described and the geographical distribution of its only population is presented. Myrcia urquiolae belongs to the Myrcia sect. Myrcia, of whose other species in Cuba is distinguished by its linear leaves with a strongly twisted margin. Based on field exposures, M. urquiolae is categorized as Critically Endangered according to IUCN criteria.
<p>Alain, Bro. (1971) Novitates antillanae. IV. <em>Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden </em>21 (2): 107‒157<em>.</em></p>
<p>Berg, O. (1855–1856) Revisio Myrtacearum Americae. <em>Linnaea </em>27: 1–472.</p>
<p>Borhidi, A. (2002) Revalidación del género <em>Solenandra</em> Hook. f. (Rubiaceae). <em>Acta Botanica Hungarica</em> 44 (3–4): 223<em>–</em>231.</p>
<p>Britton, N.L. (1915) Studies of West Indian plants – VII. <em>Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club </em>42: 487<em>–</em>517<em>. </em>https://doi.org/10.2307/2479726</p>
<p>Cambessèdes, J. (1832–1833) Myrtaceae. <em>Flora Brasiliae Meridionalis </em>2: 277–381.</p>
<p>Campbell, K.C.St.E., Acevedo-Rodríguez, P., Acosta, Z., Commock, T., Lourenço, A.R.L., Peguero, B., Samra, K. & Lucas, E.J. (2019) New combinations and new names in <em>Myrcia</em> for West Indian species previously included in <em>Calyptranthes </em>(Myrtaceae). <em>Phytotaxa</em> 406: 143‒156. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.406.3.1</p>
<p>Candolle, A.P. de (1827) Myrtacées. <em>In</em>: Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.G.M. (Ed.) <em>Dictionnaire classique d’histoire naturelle </em>11: 401. https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.33901</p>
<p>Capote, R.P. & Berazaín, R. (1984) Clasificación de las formaciones vegetales de Cuba. <em>Revista del Jardín Botánico Nacional</em> 5 (2): 27‒75.</p>
<p>Delprete, P.G. (1999) The Cuban endemic genera <em>Ariadne</em>, <em>Mazaea</em>, <em>Acunaeanthus</em>, <em>Phyllomelia</em> (Rondeletieae), and <em>Eosanthe</em> (Rubiaceae). <em>Brittonia</em> 51 (2): 217–230. https://doi.org/10.2307/2666631</p>
<p>Engler, A. (1883) Anacardiaceae. <em>Monographiae Phanerogamarum</em> 4: 171–546.</p>
<p>Flickinger, J.A., Jestrow, B., Oviedo, R., Santiago-Valentín, E., Sustache-Sustache, J., Jiménez-Rodríguez, F., Campbell, K.C.St.E. & Francisco-Ortega, J. (2020) A phylogenetic survey of Myrtaceae in the Greater Antilles with nomenclatural changes for some endemic species. <em>Taxon</em> 69 (3): 448‒480. https://doi.org/10.1002/tax.12263</p>
<p>Gómez, M. (1894) Catálogo de las periantiadas cubanas, espontáneas y cultivadas. <em>Anales de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural </em>23: 41<em>–</em>71<em>.</em></p>
<p>Greuter, W. & Rankin, R. (2010) Normas editoriales para los autores de la Flora de la República de Cuba. <em>In:</em> Greuter, W. & Rankin, R. (Eds.) <em>Flora de la República de Cuba</em>. Serie A. Plantas Vasculares. Fascículo 16. Ruggell, A. R. Gantner Verlag KG., pp. V–XVII.</p>
<p>Greuter, W. & Rankin, R. (2017) <em>Plantas vasculares de Cuba: inventario preliminar. Segunda edición, actualizada, de Espermatófitos de Cuba con inclusión de los Pteridófitos. </em>Berlín, Botanischer Garten & Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem; La Habana, Jardín Botánico Nacional, Universidad de La Habana. https://doi.org/10.3372/cubalist.2017.1</p>
<p>Grisebach, A. (1866) <em>Catalogus plantarum cubensium exhibens collectionem Wrightianam aliasque minores ex insula Cuba missas</em>. Leipzig. https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.177</p>
<p>IUCN (2019) <em>Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria</em>. Version 14. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions Subcommittee. Available from: http://www.iucnredlist.org/documents/RedListGuidelines.pdf (accessed 22 December 2021).</p>
<p>Lucas, E.J., Harris, S.A., Mazine, F.F., Belsham, S.R., NicLughadha, E.M., Telford, A., Gasson, P.E. & Chase, M.W. (2007) Suprageneric phylogenetics of Myrteae, the generically richest tribe in Myrtaceae (Myrtales). <em>Taxon </em>56: 1105–1128. https://doi.org/10.2307/25065906</p>
<p>Lucas, E.J., Matsumoto, K., Harris, S.A., Nic Lughadha, E.M., Benardini, B. & Chase, M.W. (2011) Phylogenetics, morphology, and evolution of the large genus <em>Myrcia </em>s.l. (Myrtaceae). <em>International Journal of Plant Sciences </em>172: 915–934. https://doi.org/10.1086/660913</p>
<p>Lucas, E.J., Amorim, B.S., Lima, D.F., Lourenço, A.R.L., NicLughadha, E.M., Proença, C.E.B., Rosa, P.O., Rosário, A.S., Santos, L.L., Santos, M.F., Souza, M.C., Staggemeier, V.G., Vasconcelos, T.N.C. & Sobral, M. (2018) A new infra-generic classification of the species-rich Neotropical genus <em>Myrcia </em>s.l. <em>Kew Bulletin </em>73 (9): 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1007/S12225-017-9730-5</p>
<p>Standley, P.C. (1918) Rubiaceae. <em>North American Flora</em> 32 (1): 3‒86.</p>
<p>Swartz, O. (1788) <em>Nova Genera et Species Plantarum</em>. 158 pp.</p>
<p>Thiers, B. (2022) <em>Index herbariorum: a global directory of public herbaria and associated staff</em>. New York Botanical Garden’s Virtual Herbarium. Available from: http://sweetgum.nybg.org/ih/ (accessed 5 February 2022)</p>
<p>Torezan-Silingardi, H.M. & Alves, P.E.A.M. (2004) Phenology and reproductive ecology of <em>Myrcia rostrata</em> and <em>M. tomentosa</em> (Myrtaceae) in Central Brazil. <em>Phyton </em>44 (1): 23‒43.</p>
<p>Urban, I. (1923) Plantae cubenses novae vel rariores a clo. Er. L. Ekman lectae. I. <em>In: </em>Urban, I. (Ed.) <em>Symbolae antillanae 9</em>. Leipzig, pp. 55–176.</p>
<p>Urban, I. (1924) Sertum antillanum. XXI. <em>Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis</em> 20: 337–352. https://doi.org/10.1002/fedr.19240202202</p>
<p>Wright, C. (1869) Flora cubana. <em>Anales de la Academia de Ciencias Médicas, Físicas y Naturales de la Habana, Revista Cientifica</em> 5: 428–436.</p>
<p>Berg, O. (1855–1856) Revisio Myrtacearum Americae. <em>Linnaea </em>27: 1–472.</p>
<p>Borhidi, A. (2002) Revalidación del género <em>Solenandra</em> Hook. f. (Rubiaceae). <em>Acta Botanica Hungarica</em> 44 (3–4): 223<em>–</em>231.</p>
<p>Britton, N.L. (1915) Studies of West Indian plants – VII. <em>Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club </em>42: 487<em>–</em>517<em>. </em>https://doi.org/10.2307/2479726</p>
<p>Cambessèdes, J. (1832–1833) Myrtaceae. <em>Flora Brasiliae Meridionalis </em>2: 277–381.</p>
<p>Campbell, K.C.St.E., Acevedo-Rodríguez, P., Acosta, Z., Commock, T., Lourenço, A.R.L., Peguero, B., Samra, K. & Lucas, E.J. (2019) New combinations and new names in <em>Myrcia</em> for West Indian species previously included in <em>Calyptranthes </em>(Myrtaceae). <em>Phytotaxa</em> 406: 143‒156. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.406.3.1</p>
<p>Candolle, A.P. de (1827) Myrtacées. <em>In</em>: Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.G.M. (Ed.) <em>Dictionnaire classique d’histoire naturelle </em>11: 401. https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.33901</p>
<p>Capote, R.P. & Berazaín, R. (1984) Clasificación de las formaciones vegetales de Cuba. <em>Revista del Jardín Botánico Nacional</em> 5 (2): 27‒75.</p>
<p>Delprete, P.G. (1999) The Cuban endemic genera <em>Ariadne</em>, <em>Mazaea</em>, <em>Acunaeanthus</em>, <em>Phyllomelia</em> (Rondeletieae), and <em>Eosanthe</em> (Rubiaceae). <em>Brittonia</em> 51 (2): 217–230. https://doi.org/10.2307/2666631</p>
<p>Engler, A. (1883) Anacardiaceae. <em>Monographiae Phanerogamarum</em> 4: 171–546.</p>
<p>Flickinger, J.A., Jestrow, B., Oviedo, R., Santiago-Valentín, E., Sustache-Sustache, J., Jiménez-Rodríguez, F., Campbell, K.C.St.E. & Francisco-Ortega, J. (2020) A phylogenetic survey of Myrtaceae in the Greater Antilles with nomenclatural changes for some endemic species. <em>Taxon</em> 69 (3): 448‒480. https://doi.org/10.1002/tax.12263</p>
<p>Gómez, M. (1894) Catálogo de las periantiadas cubanas, espontáneas y cultivadas. <em>Anales de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural </em>23: 41<em>–</em>71<em>.</em></p>
<p>Greuter, W. & Rankin, R. (2010) Normas editoriales para los autores de la Flora de la República de Cuba. <em>In:</em> Greuter, W. & Rankin, R. (Eds.) <em>Flora de la República de Cuba</em>. Serie A. Plantas Vasculares. Fascículo 16. Ruggell, A. R. Gantner Verlag KG., pp. V–XVII.</p>
<p>Greuter, W. & Rankin, R. (2017) <em>Plantas vasculares de Cuba: inventario preliminar. Segunda edición, actualizada, de Espermatófitos de Cuba con inclusión de los Pteridófitos. </em>Berlín, Botanischer Garten & Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem; La Habana, Jardín Botánico Nacional, Universidad de La Habana. https://doi.org/10.3372/cubalist.2017.1</p>
<p>Grisebach, A. (1866) <em>Catalogus plantarum cubensium exhibens collectionem Wrightianam aliasque minores ex insula Cuba missas</em>. Leipzig. https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.177</p>
<p>IUCN (2019) <em>Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria</em>. Version 14. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions Subcommittee. Available from: http://www.iucnredlist.org/documents/RedListGuidelines.pdf (accessed 22 December 2021).</p>
<p>Lucas, E.J., Harris, S.A., Mazine, F.F., Belsham, S.R., NicLughadha, E.M., Telford, A., Gasson, P.E. & Chase, M.W. (2007) Suprageneric phylogenetics of Myrteae, the generically richest tribe in Myrtaceae (Myrtales). <em>Taxon </em>56: 1105–1128. https://doi.org/10.2307/25065906</p>
<p>Lucas, E.J., Matsumoto, K., Harris, S.A., Nic Lughadha, E.M., Benardini, B. & Chase, M.W. (2011) Phylogenetics, morphology, and evolution of the large genus <em>Myrcia </em>s.l. (Myrtaceae). <em>International Journal of Plant Sciences </em>172: 915–934. https://doi.org/10.1086/660913</p>
<p>Lucas, E.J., Amorim, B.S., Lima, D.F., Lourenço, A.R.L., NicLughadha, E.M., Proença, C.E.B., Rosa, P.O., Rosário, A.S., Santos, L.L., Santos, M.F., Souza, M.C., Staggemeier, V.G., Vasconcelos, T.N.C. & Sobral, M. (2018) A new infra-generic classification of the species-rich Neotropical genus <em>Myrcia </em>s.l. <em>Kew Bulletin </em>73 (9): 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1007/S12225-017-9730-5</p>
<p>Standley, P.C. (1918) Rubiaceae. <em>North American Flora</em> 32 (1): 3‒86.</p>
<p>Swartz, O. (1788) <em>Nova Genera et Species Plantarum</em>. 158 pp.</p>
<p>Thiers, B. (2022) <em>Index herbariorum: a global directory of public herbaria and associated staff</em>. New York Botanical Garden’s Virtual Herbarium. Available from: http://sweetgum.nybg.org/ih/ (accessed 5 February 2022)</p>
<p>Torezan-Silingardi, H.M. & Alves, P.E.A.M. (2004) Phenology and reproductive ecology of <em>Myrcia rostrata</em> and <em>M. tomentosa</em> (Myrtaceae) in Central Brazil. <em>Phyton </em>44 (1): 23‒43.</p>
<p>Urban, I. (1923) Plantae cubenses novae vel rariores a clo. Er. L. Ekman lectae. I. <em>In: </em>Urban, I. (Ed.) <em>Symbolae antillanae 9</em>. Leipzig, pp. 55–176.</p>
<p>Urban, I. (1924) Sertum antillanum. XXI. <em>Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis</em> 20: 337–352. https://doi.org/10.1002/fedr.19240202202</p>
<p>Wright, C. (1869) Flora cubana. <em>Anales de la Academia de Ciencias Médicas, Físicas y Naturales de la Habana, Revista Cientifica</em> 5: 428–436.</p>