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Type: Article
Published: 2022-06-02
Page range: 77-86
Abstract views: 75
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Russula quercina, a new species of Russula subsect. Integroidinae (Russulaceae, Russulales) from the Quercus mongolica forest in Heilongjiang Province, China

Engineering Research Center of Edible and Medicinal Fungi, Ministry of Education, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, P.R. China
Engineering Research Center of Edible and Medicinal Fungi, Ministry of Education, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, P.R. China; College of Life Science, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, P.R. China
Key Laboratory of Vegetable Germplasm Innovation and Utilization of Hebei, Collaborative Innovation Center of Vegetable Industry in Hebei, College of Horticulture, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071001, P.R. China
Engineering Research Center of Edible and Medicinal Fungi, Ministry of Education, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, P.R. China
Engineering Research Center of Edible and Medicinal Fungi, Ministry of Education, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, P.R. China
Engineering Research Center of Edible and Medicinal Fungi, Ministry of Education, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, P.R. China
Engineering Research Center of Edible and Medicinal Fungi, Ministry of Education, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, P.R. China
Engineering Research Center of Edible and Medicinal Fungi, Ministry of Education, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, P.R. China
Jilin Forestry Science Institute, Changchun 130032, P.R. China
Basidiomycota ITS morphology phylogeny taxonomy Fungi


Russula quercina sp. nov. (sect. Polychromidia, subsect. Integroidinae) from a Quercus mongolica forest in Northeast China is described. This new species is recognized by its coral pink and glabrous pileus, slightly yellowish context, yellow basidiospore print, and abundant cystidia in stipitipellis and pileipellis. The morphological characteristics are illustrated in detail and are compared with morphologically similar species, R. integriformis, and R. laeta. Russula quercina identification is supported by molecular phylogenetic analyses based on the internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS) in the ribosomal DNA.


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