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Type: Article
Published: 2022-03-17
Page range: 287-292
Abstract views: 60
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Parmotrema sahyadrica (Parmeliaceae): A new species of parmelioid lichen from Wayanad, Southern Western Ghats, India

Lichenology Lab, Post Graduate and Research Department of Botany, Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam - 682011, Kerala, India
Lichenology Lab, Post Graduate and Research Department of Botany, Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam - 682011, Kerala, India
Lichenology Lab, Post Graduate and Research Department of Botany, Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam - 682011, Kerala, India
Lichenology Lab, Post Graduate and Research Department of Botany, Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam - 682011, Kerala, India
Parmotrema Yellow medulla Corticolous Foliose-lichen Kerala Fungi


A new species of Parmotrema with characteristic yellow medulla is described as new to science. The new species P. sahyadrica has a densely isidiate thallus with 6-10 mm wide lobes and contains entothein and atranorin as major compounds. The material was collected from Wayanad district of Kerala state at an elevation of 750 m.


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