Microlicia schwackeana is described as a new species from campo rupestre in Diamantina Plateau s.s. and Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais state. Here, we provide a description, illustration, occurrence map, and comparison with its related morphological species. The new species share some characteristics with M. pabstii and M. sciophylla. However, M. schwackeana differs by its scandent habit, petiolate, not amplexicaul leaves, and both blade surfaces with glandular trichomes mixed with spherical glands. Furthermore, the flower of M. schwackeana has a long pedicel (4.5−5 mm long) and hypanthium and sepals covered with long glandular trichomes (ca. 1 mm long) mixed with spherical glands. This species is considered a Data Deficient (DD) taxon, following IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.
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