Data and information provided in a 2008 floristic inventory of the indigenous and exotic flora of Angola was disaggregated and reanalysed for an improved understanding of the floristic component that is non-indigenous to the country. Results of the analysis are presented here as a catalogue of the exotic flora recorded for Angola. The catalogue consists of three lists: 1. ‘Naturalised aliens’; 2. ‘Taxa of uncertain indigenous or naturalised status or presence’; and 3. ‘Cultivated, casual, and escaped taxa’. Overall, the catalogue is expanded, brought up to date, and evidence-based information is provided for each taxon included on one of the three lists. A total of 180+ taxa are recorded here as having become naturalised in Angola. This figure includes records at the rank of genus that likely include more than one species. A further 53 taxa of uncertain indigenous or naturalised status or presence are listed. Additionally, 110 taxa that are cultivated, casual, or escaped are discussed. We compare the figures presented here to those available for a selection of other countries. We show that, in terms of numbers, the non-indigenous flora of Angola is smaller than that of some near-neighbouring countries, such as Zimbabwe (to the east) and South Africa (to the south), and argue for the use of standard terminology when recording and referring to non-indigenous species, and for the preparation of herbarium vouchers when such species are encountered.
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