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Type: Article
Published: 2022-03-07
Page range: 113-123
Abstract views: 59
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Novelties in the genus Polygonum (Polygonaceae) in Turkey

Marmara University, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Biology Program, 34722, Goztepe, Istanbul, Turkey
Marmara University, Science and Education Faculty, Biology Department, Department of Plant Diseases and Microbiology, 34722, Goztepe, İstanbul, Turkey
Distribution new key new species three new records Eudicots


This paper presents some novelties from the genus Polygonum (Polygonaceae) in Turkey. The study includes along with the description of a new species P. urnigera together with three new records from Istanbul; P. buxiforme, P. neglectum, and P. rurivagum. The distribution records of all these species have been included along with photographs and illustrations of the new species. The paper presents a new key for Polygonum s.str. (sect. Polygonum) species in Turkey.


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