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Type: Article
Published: 2022-02-22
Page range: 92-100
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Typification of two names in the genus Hordeum (Poaceae, Triticeae)

Servicio de Vida Silvestre y Red Natura 2000, Centro para la Investigación y Experimentación Forestal (CIEF), Generalitat Valenciana, Avda. Comarques del País Valencià 114, 46930 Quart de Poblet, Valencia, Spain
Jardín Botánico, Universitat de València, C/ Quart 80, 46008, Valencia, Spain
Epitype Gramineae lectotype nomenclature William Hudson Monocots


The typification of the name Hordeum marinum Hudson (Poaceae) is discussed. The name is lectotypified using an original illustration from Morison’s Plantarum historiae universalis Oxoniensis, and an epitype is also selected. The type of the name H. gussoneanum is also discussed, and a specimen preserved at FI is designated as second step lectotype.


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