A new species of Bulbostylis (Cyperaceae), only known from the Brazilian Amazonian coast, is here described and illustrated. Bulbostylis litoreamazonicola was found growing over dunes, in seasonally flooded restinga vegetation, and in humid fields near the mangroves from the State of Pará, Northern Brazil. This is the fifth Brazilian-native species of Bulbostylis lacking a persistent stylopodium on the mature fruit. The new species is mainly characterized by its annual habit, simple anthelate inflorescences, densely hispid to hispidulous longitudinally ribbed scapes, pubescent glumes, and cordiform nutlets.
<p>Amaral, D.D., Prost, M.T., Bastos, M.N.C., Costa-Neto, S.V. & Santos, J.U.M. (2008) Restingas do litoral amazônico, estados do Pará e Amapá, Brasil. <em>Boletim do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi série Ciências Naturais </em>3: 35–67.</p>
<p>Bachman, S., Moat, J., Hill, A.W., de la Torre, J. & Scott, B. (2011) Supporting Red List threat assessments with GeoCAT: geospatial conservation assessment tool. <em>ZooKeys </em>150: 117–126. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.150.2109</p>
<p>Cardoso, D.<em>, </em>Särkinen, T., Alexander, S., Amorim, A.M., Bittrich, V., Celis, M., Daly, D.C., Fiaschi, P., Funk, V.A., Giacomin, L.L., Goldenberg, R., Heiden, G., Iganci, J., Kelloff, C.L., Knapp, S., Lima, H.C., Machado, A.F.P., Santos, R.M., Mello-Silva, R., Michelangeli, R.F.A., Mitchell, J., Moonlight, P., Moraes, P.L.R., Mori, S.A., Nunes, T.S., Pennington, T.D., Pirani, J.R., Prance, G.T., Queiroz, L.P., Rapini, A., Riina, R., Rincon, C.A.V., Roque, N., Shimizu, G., Sobral, M., Stehmann, J.R., Stevens, W.D., Taylor, C.M., Trovó, M., Berg, C. van den, Werff, H. van der, Viana, P.L., Zartman, C.E. & Forzza, R.C. (2017) Amazon plant diversity revealed by a taxonomically verified species list. <em>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences</em> 114: 10695–10700. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1706756114</p>
<p>Goetghebeur, P. (1998) Cyperaceae. <em>In</em>: Kubitzki, K. (Ed.) <em>The families and genera of vascular plant: IV. Flowering plants – monocotyledons</em>. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 141–190.</p>
<p>Gordon-Gray, K.D. (1971) <em>Fimbristylis</em> and <em>Bulbostylis</em>: generic limits as seen by a student of southern African species. <em>Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München </em>10: 549–574.</p>
<p>Hamilton, W. (1825) <em>Prodromus plantarum Indiae occidentalis</em>. Treuttel & Würtz, London, 81 pp.</p>
<p>Harris, J.G. & Harris, M.W. (2001) <em>Plant Identification Terminology and Illustrated Glossary</em>. 2nd Edition. Spring Lake, Utah: Spring Lake Publishing, 215 pp.</p>
<p>IUCN (2019) Standards and Petitions Committee. <em>Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria</em>. Version 14. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions Committee. Available from: http://www.iucnredlist.org/documents/RedListGuidelines.pdf. (accessed 5 January 2021).</p>
<p>Koyama, T. (1974) A new species of <em>Bulbostylis</em> (Cyperaceae) from Brazil. <em>Bradea</em> 1: 429–432.</p>
<p>Kunth, K.S. (1837) <em>Enumeratio Plantarum Omnium Hucusque Cognitarum</em> 2. 592 pp.</p>
<p>Kral, R. & Davidse, G. (1987) A new species of <em>Bulbostylis</em> (Cyperaceae) from Tropical America. <em>Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden</em> 74: 437–439. </p>
<p>Kral, R. (1971) A treatment of <em>Abildgaardia</em>, <em>Bulbostylis</em> and <em>Fimbristylis</em> (Cyperaceae) for North America. <em>Sida</em> 4: 57–227.</p>
<p>Larridon, I., Zuntini, A.R., Barrett, R.L., Wilson, K.L., Bruhl, J.J., Goetghebeur, P., Baker, W.J., Brewer, G.E., Epitawalage, N., Fairlie, I., Forest, F., Kikuchi, I.A.B.S., Pokorny, L., Semmouri, I., Spalink, D., Simpson, D.A., Muasya, A.M. & Roalson, E.H. (2021) Resolving generic limits in Cyperaceae tribe Abildgaardieae using targeted sequencing. <em>Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society</em> XX. 1–25. https://doi.org/10.1093/botlinnean/boaa099</p>
<p>López, M.G., Prata, A.P. & Thomas, W.W. (2007) New synonymy and new distributional records in <em>Bulbostylis</em> (Cyperaceae) from South America. <em>Brittonia</em> 59: 88–96.</p>
<p>Lye, K.A. (1996) A new subspecies of <em>Bulbostylis hispidula</em> (Cyperaceae) from Somalia, <em>Willdenowia</em> 25: 595–600.</p>
<p>Lye, K.A. (1973) Studies in African Cyperaceae VIII: The taxonomic position of <em>Abildgaardia</em> Vahl and <em>Nemum</em> Hamilton. <em>Botaniska Notiser</em> 126: 325–329.</p>
<p>Maciel-Silva, J.F. (2021) <em>The genus Bulbostylis Kunth (Cyperaceae) in Pará state, Amazon, Brazil.</em> Dissertation (in preparation).</p>
<p>Nunes, C.S., Bastos, M.N.C. & Gil, A.S.B. (2016) Flora das cangas da Serra dos Carajás, Pará, Brasil: Cyperaceae. <em>Rodriguésia</em> 67: 1329–1366.</p>
<p>Prata, A.P., Camelbeke, K., Reynders, M., Fédon, I.R. & Goetghebeur, P. (2007) <em>Bulbostylis medusae</em> (Cyperaceae) a new species from Venezuela. <em>Novon</em> 17: 67–71.</p>
<p>Prata, A.P.N., López, M.G. & Thomas, W.W. (2017) New species of <em>Bulbostylis</em> (Cyperaceae) from South America. <em>Phytotaxa</em> 314: 219–230. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.314.2.3</p>
<p>Prata, A.P.N., López, M.G., Wanderley, M.G.L., Thomas, W.W. (2021) <em>Bulbostylis</em> <em>in </em>Flora do Brasil 2020. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: http://floradobrasil.jbrj.gov.br/reflora/floradobrasil/FB7153 (accessed 11 January 2021)</p>
<p>QGIS Development Team (2016) QGIS 2.14.19 <em>Brighton software</em>. Geographic Information System. Open Source Geospatial Foundation Project. Available from: http://doc.qgis.org (accessed 3 December 2020)</p>
<p>Reutemann, A.G., Ardissone, R.E., López, M.G., Muchut, S.E., Boldrini, I., Vegetti, A.C. & Giussani, L.M. (2018) Phylogenetic relationships in <em>Bulbostylis</em> (Abildgaardieae: Cyperaceae) inferred from nuclear and plastid DNA sequence data. <em>Systematics and Biodiversity</em> 16: 1–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14772000.2018.1442885</p>
<p>Reutemann, A.G., Vegetti, A.C. & Pozner, R. (2012) Structure and development of the style base in <em>Abildgaardia</em>, <em>Bulbostylis</em>, and <em>Fimbristylis</em> (Cyperaceae, Cyperoideae, Abildgaardieae). <em>Flora</em> 207: 223–236.</p>
<p>Reutemann, A.G., Guarise, N.J., López, M.G. & Vegetti, A.C. (2009) Structure of inflorescences of selected South American species of <em>Abildgaardia</em> Vahl, <em>Bulbostylis</em> Kunth and <em>Fimbristylis</em> Vahl (Abildgaardieae-Cyperoideae-Cyperaceae). <em>Plant Systematics and Evolution </em>283: 93–110.</p>
<p>Roalson, E.H, Prata, A.P, Mesterhaìzy, A., Chase, M., Simpson, D.A, Thomas, W.W. & Larridon, I. (2019) A broader circumscription of <em>Bulbostylis</em> including <em>Nemum</em> (Abildgaardieae: Cyperaceae). <em>Phytotaxa</em> 395: 199–208. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.395.3.4</p>
<p>Santos, J.U.M., Gorayeb, I.S. & Bastos, M.N.C. (1999) Diagnóstico para a avaliação e ações prioritárias para conservação da biodiversidade da zona costeira e marinha amazônica. Available from: http://rodadas.anp.gov.br/arquivos/Round7/arquivos_r7/PERFURACAO_R7/refere/RegiaoNorte.pdf (accessed 5 January 2021)</p>
<p>Semmouri, I., Bauters, K., Léveillé-Bourret, É., Starr, J.R., Goetghebeur, P. & Larridon, I. (2018) Phylogeny and Systematics of Cyperaceae, the Evolution and Importance of Embryo Morphology. <em>Botanical Review</em> 85: 1–39. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12229-018-9202-0</p>
<p>Silva, C.L.B., Nunes, C.S., Schneider, L.J.C., Silva, J.F.M., Alves, K.N.L., Conde, M.L.G., Fernandes-Junior, A.J. & Gil, A.S.B. (2021) Cyperaceae Juss. nos campos de natureza de Cametá, Pará, Amazônia, Brasil. <em>Iheringia Serie Botanica</em> 76. https://doi.org/10.21826/2446-82312021v76e2021005</p>
<p>Simpson, D.A. (2006) A flora da Reserva Ducke, Amazonas, Brasil: Cyperaceae. <em>Rodriguésia</em> 57: 171–188. https://doi.org/10.1590/2175-7860200657204</p>
<p>Thiers, B. (2020 onwards) Index Herbariorum: A global directory of public herbaria and associated staff.<em> New York Botanical Garden’s Virtual Herbarium</em>. Available from: http://sweetgum.nybg.org/ih/ (accessed 11 December 2020)</p>
<p>Vahl, M. (1805) Enumeratio Plantarum vel ab aliis, vel ab ipso observatarum, cum earum differentiis specificis, synonymis selectis et descriptionibus succinctis. <em>Enumeratio Plantarum</em> 2: 229.</p>
<p>WCSP (2021) World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet. Available from http://wcsp.science.kew.org/ Retrieved (accessed 16 December 2021).</p>
<p>Bachman, S., Moat, J., Hill, A.W., de la Torre, J. & Scott, B. (2011) Supporting Red List threat assessments with GeoCAT: geospatial conservation assessment tool. <em>ZooKeys </em>150: 117–126. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.150.2109</p>
<p>Cardoso, D.<em>, </em>Särkinen, T., Alexander, S., Amorim, A.M., Bittrich, V., Celis, M., Daly, D.C., Fiaschi, P., Funk, V.A., Giacomin, L.L., Goldenberg, R., Heiden, G., Iganci, J., Kelloff, C.L., Knapp, S., Lima, H.C., Machado, A.F.P., Santos, R.M., Mello-Silva, R., Michelangeli, R.F.A., Mitchell, J., Moonlight, P., Moraes, P.L.R., Mori, S.A., Nunes, T.S., Pennington, T.D., Pirani, J.R., Prance, G.T., Queiroz, L.P., Rapini, A., Riina, R., Rincon, C.A.V., Roque, N., Shimizu, G., Sobral, M., Stehmann, J.R., Stevens, W.D., Taylor, C.M., Trovó, M., Berg, C. van den, Werff, H. van der, Viana, P.L., Zartman, C.E. & Forzza, R.C. (2017) Amazon plant diversity revealed by a taxonomically verified species list. <em>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences</em> 114: 10695–10700. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1706756114</p>
<p>Goetghebeur, P. (1998) Cyperaceae. <em>In</em>: Kubitzki, K. (Ed.) <em>The families and genera of vascular plant: IV. Flowering plants – monocotyledons</em>. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 141–190.</p>
<p>Gordon-Gray, K.D. (1971) <em>Fimbristylis</em> and <em>Bulbostylis</em>: generic limits as seen by a student of southern African species. <em>Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München </em>10: 549–574.</p>
<p>Hamilton, W. (1825) <em>Prodromus plantarum Indiae occidentalis</em>. Treuttel & Würtz, London, 81 pp.</p>
<p>Harris, J.G. & Harris, M.W. (2001) <em>Plant Identification Terminology and Illustrated Glossary</em>. 2nd Edition. Spring Lake, Utah: Spring Lake Publishing, 215 pp.</p>
<p>IUCN (2019) Standards and Petitions Committee. <em>Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria</em>. Version 14. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions Committee. Available from: http://www.iucnredlist.org/documents/RedListGuidelines.pdf. (accessed 5 January 2021).</p>
<p>Koyama, T. (1974) A new species of <em>Bulbostylis</em> (Cyperaceae) from Brazil. <em>Bradea</em> 1: 429–432.</p>
<p>Kunth, K.S. (1837) <em>Enumeratio Plantarum Omnium Hucusque Cognitarum</em> 2. 592 pp.</p>
<p>Kral, R. & Davidse, G. (1987) A new species of <em>Bulbostylis</em> (Cyperaceae) from Tropical America. <em>Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden</em> 74: 437–439. </p>
<p>Kral, R. (1971) A treatment of <em>Abildgaardia</em>, <em>Bulbostylis</em> and <em>Fimbristylis</em> (Cyperaceae) for North America. <em>Sida</em> 4: 57–227.</p>
<p>Larridon, I., Zuntini, A.R., Barrett, R.L., Wilson, K.L., Bruhl, J.J., Goetghebeur, P., Baker, W.J., Brewer, G.E., Epitawalage, N., Fairlie, I., Forest, F., Kikuchi, I.A.B.S., Pokorny, L., Semmouri, I., Spalink, D., Simpson, D.A., Muasya, A.M. & Roalson, E.H. (2021) Resolving generic limits in Cyperaceae tribe Abildgaardieae using targeted sequencing. <em>Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society</em> XX. 1–25. https://doi.org/10.1093/botlinnean/boaa099</p>
<p>López, M.G., Prata, A.P. & Thomas, W.W. (2007) New synonymy and new distributional records in <em>Bulbostylis</em> (Cyperaceae) from South America. <em>Brittonia</em> 59: 88–96.</p>
<p>Lye, K.A. (1996) A new subspecies of <em>Bulbostylis hispidula</em> (Cyperaceae) from Somalia, <em>Willdenowia</em> 25: 595–600.</p>
<p>Lye, K.A. (1973) Studies in African Cyperaceae VIII: The taxonomic position of <em>Abildgaardia</em> Vahl and <em>Nemum</em> Hamilton. <em>Botaniska Notiser</em> 126: 325–329.</p>
<p>Maciel-Silva, J.F. (2021) <em>The genus Bulbostylis Kunth (Cyperaceae) in Pará state, Amazon, Brazil.</em> Dissertation (in preparation).</p>
<p>Nunes, C.S., Bastos, M.N.C. & Gil, A.S.B. (2016) Flora das cangas da Serra dos Carajás, Pará, Brasil: Cyperaceae. <em>Rodriguésia</em> 67: 1329–1366.</p>
<p>Prata, A.P., Camelbeke, K., Reynders, M., Fédon, I.R. & Goetghebeur, P. (2007) <em>Bulbostylis medusae</em> (Cyperaceae) a new species from Venezuela. <em>Novon</em> 17: 67–71.</p>
<p>Prata, A.P.N., López, M.G. & Thomas, W.W. (2017) New species of <em>Bulbostylis</em> (Cyperaceae) from South America. <em>Phytotaxa</em> 314: 219–230. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.314.2.3</p>
<p>Prata, A.P.N., López, M.G., Wanderley, M.G.L., Thomas, W.W. (2021) <em>Bulbostylis</em> <em>in </em>Flora do Brasil 2020. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: http://floradobrasil.jbrj.gov.br/reflora/floradobrasil/FB7153 (accessed 11 January 2021)</p>
<p>QGIS Development Team (2016) QGIS 2.14.19 <em>Brighton software</em>. Geographic Information System. Open Source Geospatial Foundation Project. Available from: http://doc.qgis.org (accessed 3 December 2020)</p>
<p>Reutemann, A.G., Ardissone, R.E., López, M.G., Muchut, S.E., Boldrini, I., Vegetti, A.C. & Giussani, L.M. (2018) Phylogenetic relationships in <em>Bulbostylis</em> (Abildgaardieae: Cyperaceae) inferred from nuclear and plastid DNA sequence data. <em>Systematics and Biodiversity</em> 16: 1–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14772000.2018.1442885</p>
<p>Reutemann, A.G., Vegetti, A.C. & Pozner, R. (2012) Structure and development of the style base in <em>Abildgaardia</em>, <em>Bulbostylis</em>, and <em>Fimbristylis</em> (Cyperaceae, Cyperoideae, Abildgaardieae). <em>Flora</em> 207: 223–236.</p>
<p>Reutemann, A.G., Guarise, N.J., López, M.G. & Vegetti, A.C. (2009) Structure of inflorescences of selected South American species of <em>Abildgaardia</em> Vahl, <em>Bulbostylis</em> Kunth and <em>Fimbristylis</em> Vahl (Abildgaardieae-Cyperoideae-Cyperaceae). <em>Plant Systematics and Evolution </em>283: 93–110.</p>
<p>Roalson, E.H, Prata, A.P, Mesterhaìzy, A., Chase, M., Simpson, D.A, Thomas, W.W. & Larridon, I. (2019) A broader circumscription of <em>Bulbostylis</em> including <em>Nemum</em> (Abildgaardieae: Cyperaceae). <em>Phytotaxa</em> 395: 199–208. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.395.3.4</p>
<p>Santos, J.U.M., Gorayeb, I.S. & Bastos, M.N.C. (1999) Diagnóstico para a avaliação e ações prioritárias para conservação da biodiversidade da zona costeira e marinha amazônica. Available from: http://rodadas.anp.gov.br/arquivos/Round7/arquivos_r7/PERFURACAO_R7/refere/RegiaoNorte.pdf (accessed 5 January 2021)</p>
<p>Semmouri, I., Bauters, K., Léveillé-Bourret, É., Starr, J.R., Goetghebeur, P. & Larridon, I. (2018) Phylogeny and Systematics of Cyperaceae, the Evolution and Importance of Embryo Morphology. <em>Botanical Review</em> 85: 1–39. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12229-018-9202-0</p>
<p>Silva, C.L.B., Nunes, C.S., Schneider, L.J.C., Silva, J.F.M., Alves, K.N.L., Conde, M.L.G., Fernandes-Junior, A.J. & Gil, A.S.B. (2021) Cyperaceae Juss. nos campos de natureza de Cametá, Pará, Amazônia, Brasil. <em>Iheringia Serie Botanica</em> 76. https://doi.org/10.21826/2446-82312021v76e2021005</p>
<p>Simpson, D.A. (2006) A flora da Reserva Ducke, Amazonas, Brasil: Cyperaceae. <em>Rodriguésia</em> 57: 171–188. https://doi.org/10.1590/2175-7860200657204</p>
<p>Thiers, B. (2020 onwards) Index Herbariorum: A global directory of public herbaria and associated staff.<em> New York Botanical Garden’s Virtual Herbarium</em>. Available from: http://sweetgum.nybg.org/ih/ (accessed 11 December 2020)</p>
<p>Vahl, M. (1805) Enumeratio Plantarum vel ab aliis, vel ab ipso observatarum, cum earum differentiis specificis, synonymis selectis et descriptionibus succinctis. <em>Enumeratio Plantarum</em> 2: 229.</p>
<p>WCSP (2021) World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet. Available from http://wcsp.science.kew.org/ Retrieved (accessed 16 December 2021).</p>