<p>Chen, W.H., Radbouchoom, S., Nguyen, H.Q., Phutthai, T., Averyanov, L.V. & Shui, Y.M. (2018) Reassessment of <em>Begonia arboreta</em> and <em>B. sonlaensis</em> (Begoniaceae) based on field observation and type examination.<em> Phytotaxa</em> 281 (1): 132–140. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.381.1.17</p>
<p>Christenhusz, M.J.M. & Byng, J.W. (2016) The number of known plants species in the world and its annual increase. <em>Phytotaxa</em> 261 (3): 201–217. http://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.261.3.1</p>
<p>Craib, W.G. (1930) Contributions to the Flora of Siam. Additamentum XXIX. <em>Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information </em>9: 405–427. https://doi.org/10.2307/4107662</p>
<p>Ding, H.B., Gong, Y.X., Pan, R., Lu, X.Q. & Tan, Y.H. (2020) A new tuberous species of <em>Begonia</em> L. (Begoniaceae) from southern Yunnan, China. <em>Phytotaxa</em> 474 (1): 081–086. http://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.474.1.8</p>
<p>Gu, C.Z., Peng, C.I., Turland, N.J., (2007) Begoniaceae. <em>In:</em> Wu, C.Y. & Raven, P.H. (Eds.) <em>Flora of China</em>, vol 13. Science Press, Beijing & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, pp. 153–207.</p>
<p>Hughes, M. (2008) <em>An annotated checklist of Southeast Asian Begonia.</em> Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Edinburgh.</p>
<p>Hughes, M., Moonlight, P.W., Jara, A. & Pullan, M. (2015) <em>Begonia</em> <em>Resource Centre</em>. Available from: http://padme.rbge.org.uk/begonia/ (accessed 1 November 2021)</p>
<p>Hughes, M., Aung, M.M. & Armstrong, K. (2019) An updates checklist and a new species of <em>Begonia </em>(<em>B. rheophytica</em>) from Myanmar. <em>Edinburgh Journal of Botany</em> 76 (2): 285–295. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0960428619000052</p>
<p>Ku, T.C. (1999) Begoniaceae.<em> In: </em>Ku, T.C. (Ed.) <em>Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae</em>, vol 52, no 1. Science Press, Beijing, PP. 126–269.</p>
<p>Linnaeus, C. (1753) <em>Species plantarum.</em> Laurentii Salvii, Holmiae (Stockholm). https://doi.org/10.5926/bhl.title.727</p>
<p>Li, J.W., Tan, Y.H., Wang, X.L., Wang, C.W. & Jin, X.H. (2018)<em> Begonia medogensis</em>, a new species of Begoniaceae from western China and northern Myanmar. <em>Phytokeys</em> 103: 13–18. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.103.25392</p>
<p>Maw, M.B., Ding, H.B., Yang, B., Win, P.P. & Tan, Y.H. (2020) Taxonomic studies on <em>Begonia</em> (Begoniaceae) in Myanmar I: three new species and supplementary description of <em>Begonia rheophytica</em> from Northern Myanmar. <em>Phytokeys</em> 138: 203–217. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.138.38721</p>
<p>Peng, C.I., Wang, H., Kono, Y. & Yang, H.A. (2014) <em>Begonia wui-senioris</em> (sect. <em>Platycentrum</em>, Begoniaceae), a new species from Myanmar. <em>Botanical Studies</em> 55, 13. https://doi.org/10.1186/1999-3110-55-13</p>
<p>Phutthai, T. & Hughes, M. (2016) A new species and a new record in <em>Begonia</em> sect. Platycentrum (Begoniaceae) from Thailand. <em>The Gardens’ Bulletin, Singapore</em> 68 (1): 99–107. https://doi.org/10.3850/S2382581216000077</p>
<p>Rajbhandary, S. (2010) Systematic revision of the genus <em>Begonia</em> L. (Begoniaceae) in the Himalayas. Ph.D. dissertation, Tribhuvan University.</p>
<p>Shui, Y.M. & Huang, S.H. (1999) Notes on the genus <em>Begonia</em> from Yunnan. <em>Acta Botanica Yunnanica</em> 21 (1): 11–23.</p>
<p>Shui, Y.M., Peng, C.I. & Wu, C.Y. (2002) Synopsis of the Chinese species of<em> Begonia</em> (Begoniaceae), with a reappraisal of sectional delimitation. <em>Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica </em>43: 313–327.</p>
<p>Shui, Y.M. (2002) A new species of <em>Begonia</em> (Begoniaceae) from Mt. Huanglianshan of SE Yunan, China. <em>Acta Botanica Yunnanica</em> 24 (3): 307–308.</p>
<p>Shui, Y.M. (2007) <em>Begonia tetralobata</em> (Begoniaceae), a new species from China. <em>Annales Botanici Fennici</em> 44: 76–79. </p>
<p>Smith, L.B. & Wasshausen, D.C. (1984) Notes on Begoniaceae III. <em>Phytologia</em> 54 (7): 465–473. https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.part.14431</p>
<p>Tanaka, N. & Hughes, M. (2007) <em>Begonia</em> (sect.<em> Sphenanthera</em>)<em> hayamiana</em> (Begoniaceae), a new species from northern Myanmar. <em>Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica</em> 58 (2/3): 83–86.</p>
<p>Tanaka, N. & Hayami, Y. (2011) <em>Begonia kachinensis</em> (sect. <em>Sphenanthera</em>, Begoniaceae), a new species from Myanmar. <em>Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica</em> 61 (3): 151–154.</p>
<p>Tanaka, N., Peng, C.I. (2016) <em>Begonia togashii</em> (Begoniaceae: sect.<em> Platycentrum</em>), a new species from central Myanmar. <em>Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica</em> 67 (3): 191–197.</p>
<p>Tian, D.K., Xiao, Y., Li, Y.C. & Yan, K.J. (2020) Several new records, synoyms, and hybrid-origin of Chinese begonias. <em>PhytoKeys</em> 153: 13–35. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.153.50805</p>
<p>Tian, D.K., Xiao, Y., Tong, Y., Fu, N.F., Liu, Q.Q. & Li, C. (2018) Diversity and conservation of Chinese wild begonias. <em>Plant Diversity </em>40: 75–90. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pld.2018.06.002</p>
<p>Tseng,Y.H., Kim, Y.D., Peng, C.I., Htwe, K.M., Cho, S.H., Kono, Y. & Chung, K.F. (2017) <em>Begonia myanmarica </em>(Begoniaceae), a new species from Myanmar, and molecular phylogenetics of <em>Begonia </em>sect.<em> Monopteron. Botanical Studies</em> 58: 21. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40529-017-0175-9</p>
<p>Wahlsteen, E. (2018) <em>Begonia mariachristinae</em> (Begoniaceae), a new species from northern Myanmar. <em>Edinburgh Journal of Botany</em> 75 (2): 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0960428618000021</p>
<p>Wang, W.G., Xi, H.C., Ma, X.D., Jiang, L.J., Wang, X.J., Shi, J.P. & Shen, J.Y. (2019) <em>Begonia austroyunnanensis</em>, a new species of <em>Begonia </em>(Begoniaceae) from Yunnan, China. <em>Taiwania</em> 64 (4): 363–366.</p>
<p>Wei, Z.D., Shui, Y.M., Zhang, M.D. & Zhang, R.M. (2007) <em>Begonia coelocentroides</em> Y. M. Shui & Z. D Wei, a new species of Begoniaceae from Yunnan, China. <em>Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica</em> 45 (4): 86–89.</p>
<p>Xi, H.H., Xiao, S.Y., Wang, Y.Q., Xiao, B. & Wang, W.G. (2020) <em>Begonia mengdongensis</em>, a new tuberous species of <em>Begonia </em>(Begoniaceae) from southeastern Yunnan, China. <em>Nordic Journal of Botany</em> 38 (4): e02645. https://doi.org/10.1111/njb.02645</p>
<p>Christenhusz, M.J.M. & Byng, J.W. (2016) The number of known plants species in the world and its annual increase. <em>Phytotaxa</em> 261 (3): 201–217. http://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.261.3.1</p>
<p>Craib, W.G. (1930) Contributions to the Flora of Siam. Additamentum XXIX. <em>Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information </em>9: 405–427. https://doi.org/10.2307/4107662</p>
<p>Ding, H.B., Gong, Y.X., Pan, R., Lu, X.Q. & Tan, Y.H. (2020) A new tuberous species of <em>Begonia</em> L. (Begoniaceae) from southern Yunnan, China. <em>Phytotaxa</em> 474 (1): 081–086. http://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.474.1.8</p>
<p>Gu, C.Z., Peng, C.I., Turland, N.J., (2007) Begoniaceae. <em>In:</em> Wu, C.Y. & Raven, P.H. (Eds.) <em>Flora of China</em>, vol 13. Science Press, Beijing & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, pp. 153–207.</p>
<p>Hughes, M. (2008) <em>An annotated checklist of Southeast Asian Begonia.</em> Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Edinburgh.</p>
<p>Hughes, M., Moonlight, P.W., Jara, A. & Pullan, M. (2015) <em>Begonia</em> <em>Resource Centre</em>. Available from: http://padme.rbge.org.uk/begonia/ (accessed 1 November 2021)</p>
<p>Hughes, M., Aung, M.M. & Armstrong, K. (2019) An updates checklist and a new species of <em>Begonia </em>(<em>B. rheophytica</em>) from Myanmar. <em>Edinburgh Journal of Botany</em> 76 (2): 285–295. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0960428619000052</p>
<p>Ku, T.C. (1999) Begoniaceae.<em> In: </em>Ku, T.C. (Ed.) <em>Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae</em>, vol 52, no 1. Science Press, Beijing, PP. 126–269.</p>
<p>Linnaeus, C. (1753) <em>Species plantarum.</em> Laurentii Salvii, Holmiae (Stockholm). https://doi.org/10.5926/bhl.title.727</p>
<p>Li, J.W., Tan, Y.H., Wang, X.L., Wang, C.W. & Jin, X.H. (2018)<em> Begonia medogensis</em>, a new species of Begoniaceae from western China and northern Myanmar. <em>Phytokeys</em> 103: 13–18. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.103.25392</p>
<p>Maw, M.B., Ding, H.B., Yang, B., Win, P.P. & Tan, Y.H. (2020) Taxonomic studies on <em>Begonia</em> (Begoniaceae) in Myanmar I: three new species and supplementary description of <em>Begonia rheophytica</em> from Northern Myanmar. <em>Phytokeys</em> 138: 203–217. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.138.38721</p>
<p>Peng, C.I., Wang, H., Kono, Y. & Yang, H.A. (2014) <em>Begonia wui-senioris</em> (sect. <em>Platycentrum</em>, Begoniaceae), a new species from Myanmar. <em>Botanical Studies</em> 55, 13. https://doi.org/10.1186/1999-3110-55-13</p>
<p>Phutthai, T. & Hughes, M. (2016) A new species and a new record in <em>Begonia</em> sect. Platycentrum (Begoniaceae) from Thailand. <em>The Gardens’ Bulletin, Singapore</em> 68 (1): 99–107. https://doi.org/10.3850/S2382581216000077</p>
<p>Rajbhandary, S. (2010) Systematic revision of the genus <em>Begonia</em> L. (Begoniaceae) in the Himalayas. Ph.D. dissertation, Tribhuvan University.</p>
<p>Shui, Y.M. & Huang, S.H. (1999) Notes on the genus <em>Begonia</em> from Yunnan. <em>Acta Botanica Yunnanica</em> 21 (1): 11–23.</p>
<p>Shui, Y.M., Peng, C.I. & Wu, C.Y. (2002) Synopsis of the Chinese species of<em> Begonia</em> (Begoniaceae), with a reappraisal of sectional delimitation. <em>Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica </em>43: 313–327.</p>
<p>Shui, Y.M. (2002) A new species of <em>Begonia</em> (Begoniaceae) from Mt. Huanglianshan of SE Yunan, China. <em>Acta Botanica Yunnanica</em> 24 (3): 307–308.</p>
<p>Shui, Y.M. (2007) <em>Begonia tetralobata</em> (Begoniaceae), a new species from China. <em>Annales Botanici Fennici</em> 44: 76–79. </p>
<p>Smith, L.B. & Wasshausen, D.C. (1984) Notes on Begoniaceae III. <em>Phytologia</em> 54 (7): 465–473. https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.part.14431</p>
<p>Tanaka, N. & Hughes, M. (2007) <em>Begonia</em> (sect.<em> Sphenanthera</em>)<em> hayamiana</em> (Begoniaceae), a new species from northern Myanmar. <em>Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica</em> 58 (2/3): 83–86.</p>
<p>Tanaka, N. & Hayami, Y. (2011) <em>Begonia kachinensis</em> (sect. <em>Sphenanthera</em>, Begoniaceae), a new species from Myanmar. <em>Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica</em> 61 (3): 151–154.</p>
<p>Tanaka, N., Peng, C.I. (2016) <em>Begonia togashii</em> (Begoniaceae: sect.<em> Platycentrum</em>), a new species from central Myanmar. <em>Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica</em> 67 (3): 191–197.</p>
<p>Tian, D.K., Xiao, Y., Li, Y.C. & Yan, K.J. (2020) Several new records, synoyms, and hybrid-origin of Chinese begonias. <em>PhytoKeys</em> 153: 13–35. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.153.50805</p>
<p>Tian, D.K., Xiao, Y., Tong, Y., Fu, N.F., Liu, Q.Q. & Li, C. (2018) Diversity and conservation of Chinese wild begonias. <em>Plant Diversity </em>40: 75–90. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pld.2018.06.002</p>
<p>Tseng,Y.H., Kim, Y.D., Peng, C.I., Htwe, K.M., Cho, S.H., Kono, Y. & Chung, K.F. (2017) <em>Begonia myanmarica </em>(Begoniaceae), a new species from Myanmar, and molecular phylogenetics of <em>Begonia </em>sect.<em> Monopteron. Botanical Studies</em> 58: 21. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40529-017-0175-9</p>
<p>Wahlsteen, E. (2018) <em>Begonia mariachristinae</em> (Begoniaceae), a new species from northern Myanmar. <em>Edinburgh Journal of Botany</em> 75 (2): 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0960428618000021</p>
<p>Wang, W.G., Xi, H.C., Ma, X.D., Jiang, L.J., Wang, X.J., Shi, J.P. & Shen, J.Y. (2019) <em>Begonia austroyunnanensis</em>, a new species of <em>Begonia </em>(Begoniaceae) from Yunnan, China. <em>Taiwania</em> 64 (4): 363–366.</p>
<p>Wei, Z.D., Shui, Y.M., Zhang, M.D. & Zhang, R.M. (2007) <em>Begonia coelocentroides</em> Y. M. Shui & Z. D Wei, a new species of Begoniaceae from Yunnan, China. <em>Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica</em> 45 (4): 86–89.</p>
<p>Xi, H.H., Xiao, S.Y., Wang, Y.Q., Xiao, B. & Wang, W.G. (2020) <em>Begonia mengdongensis</em>, a new tuberous species of <em>Begonia </em>(Begoniaceae) from southeastern Yunnan, China. <em>Nordic Journal of Botany</em> 38 (4): e02645. https://doi.org/10.1111/njb.02645</p>