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Type: Article
Published: 2021-10-22
Page range: 259-263
Abstract views: 48
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A new species of Amazonia (black mildews) on Ixora brachiata from Western Ghats, India

Post graduate and Research Department of Botany, Mar Thoma College, Tiruvalla- 689103, Kerala, India
Post graduate and Research Department of Botany, Mar Thoma College, Tiruvalla- 689103, Kerala, India
Amazonia black mildews foliicolous Ixora Kerala Rubiaceae Western Ghats Fungi


A new species of black mildew fungi was discovered infecting leaves of Ixora brachiata (Rubiaceae). The new species is described as Amazonia brachiata and it is the first record of an Amazonia species on I. brachiata. It is documented in detail with description, line drawings and photo plate, and is morphologically compared to similar species previously reported on the host family. A key to Amazonia species found on Rubiaceae is included to aid in their identification.


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