During a soil survey for Mucorales in a semiarid region of the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, a specimen of Absidia (URM 8213) was isolated. Both morphological and phylogenetic analyses (ITS and LSU rDNA regions) of this specimen showed that it is a new species. The new species differs from other species in the genus in its ability to concomitantly produce isolated or whorled sporangiophores of up to 8 with fig-shaped and hemispherical columellae, as well as globose, subglobose, and cylindrical sporangiospores. Thus, in this study, we propose a new species of Absidia.
<p>Ariyawansa, H.A., Hyde, K.D., Jayasiri, S.C., Buyck, B., Chethana, K.W.T., Dai, D.Q., Dai, Y.C., Daranagama, D.A., Jayawardena, R.S., Lücking, R., Ghobad-Nejhad, M., Niskanen, T., Thambugala, K.M., Voigt, K., Zhao, R.L., Li, G.-J., Doilom, M., Boonmee, S., Yang, Z.L., Cai, Q., Cui, Y.Y., Bahkali, A.H., Chen, J., Cui, B.K., Chen, J.J., Dayarathne, M.C., Dissanayake, A.J., Ekanayaka, A.H., Hashimoto, A., Hongsanan, S., Jones, E.B.G., Larsson, E., Li, W.J., Li, Q.-R., Liu, J.K., Luo, Z.L., Maharachchikumbura, S.S.N., Mapookm, A., McKenzie, E.H.C., Norphanphoun, C., Konta, S., Pang, K.L., Perera, R.H., Phookamsak, R., Phukhamsakda, C., Pinruan, U., Randrianjohany, E., Singtripop, C., Tanaka, K., Tian, C.M., Tibpromma, S., Abdel-Wahab, M.A., Wanasinghe, D.N., Wijayawardene, N.N., Zhang, J.F., Zhang, H., Abdel-Aziz, F.A., Wedin, M., Westberg, M., Ammirati, J.F., Bulgakov, T.S., Lima, D.X., Callaghan, T.M., Callac, P., Chang, C.-H., Coca, L.F., Dal-Forno, M., Dollhofer, V., Fliegerová, K., Greiner, K., Griffith, G.W., Ho, H-M., Hofstetter, V., Jeewon, R., Kang, J.C., Wen, T.-C., Kirk, P.M., Kytövuori, I., Lawrey, J.D., Xing, J., Li, H., Liu, Z.Y., Liu, X.Z., Liimatainen, K., Lumbsch, T., Matsumura, M., Moncada, B., Nuankaew, S., Parnmen, S., Santiago, A.L.C.M. de A. Sommai, S., Song, Y., de Souza, C.A.F., Souza-Motta, C.M., Su, H.Y., Suetrong, S., Wang, Y., Wei, S.-F., Wen, T.C., Yuan, H.S., Zhou, L.W., Réblová, M., Fournier, J., Camporesi, E., Luangsa-ard, J.J., Tasanathai, K., Khonsanit, A., Thanakitpipattana, D., Somrithipol, S., Diederich, P., Millanes, A.M., Common, R.S., Stadler, M., Yan, J.Y., Li, X., Lee, H.Y., Nguyen, T.T.T., Lee, H.B., Battistin, E., Marsico, O., Vizzini, A., Vila, J., Ercole, E., Eberhardt, U., Simonini, G., Wen, H.-A. & Chen, X.-H. (2015) Fungal diversity notes 111–252—taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. <em>Fungal Diversity </em>75 (1): 27–274. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13225-015-0346-5</p>
<p>Beltrão, B.A., Mascarenhas, J.C., Miranda, J.L.F., Souza Junior, L.C., Galvão, M.J.T.G. & Pereira, S.N. (2005) Project for the registration of sources of supply for ground water estado de Pernambuco. Diagnosis of the Municipality of Águas Belas. Available from: http://rigeo.cprm.gov.br/jspui/bitstream/doc/15611/1/Rel_%c3%81guas%20Belas.pdf (accessed 21 December 2020)</p>
<p>Benny (2005) Zygomycetes. Available from: http://www.zygomycetes.org (accessed 1 December 2020)</p>
<p>Benny, G.L. (2008) The methods used by Dr. R.K. Benjamin, and other Mycologists to isolate Zygomycetes. <em>Aliso </em>26: 37–61. https://doi.org/10.5642/aliso.20082601.08</p>
<p>Capella-Gutiérrez, S., Silla-Martínez, J.M.& Gabaldón, T. (2009) trimAl: a tool for automated alignment trimming in large-scale phylogenetic analyses. <em>Bioinformatics</em> 25: 1972– 1973.</p>
<p> https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btp348</p>
<p>Chen, J., Fan, F., Qu, G., Tang, J., Xi, Y., Bi, C., Sun, Z. & Zhang, X. (2020) Identification of <em>Absidia orchidis</em> steroid 11β-hydroxylation system and its application in engineering <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</em> for one-step biotransformation to produce hydrocortisone. <em>Metabolic Engineering</em> 57: 31–42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymben.2019.10.006</p>
<p>Chen, G., Yang, M., Lu, Z., Zhang, J., Huang, H., Liang, Y., Guan, S., Song, Y., Wu, L. & Guo, D. (2007) Microbial Transformation of 20 (S)-Protopanaxatriol-Type Saponins by <em>Absidia coerulea</em>. <em>Journal of Natural Products </em>70: 1203–1206. https://doi.org/10.1021/np070053v</p>
<p>Darriba, D., Taboada, G.L., Doallo, R. & Posada, D. (2012) jModelTest 2: more models, new heuristics and parallel computing. <em>Nature Methods</em> 9: 772. https://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.2109</p>
<p>Ellis, J.J. & Hesseltine, C.W. (1966) Species of <em>Absidia </em>with ovoid sporangiospores. II. <em>Sabouraudia </em>5: 59–77. https://doi.org/10.1080/00362176785190111</p>
<p>Ellis, J.J. & Hesseltine, C.W (1965) The genus <em>Absidia</em>: globose-spored species. <em>Mycologia </em>57: 222–235. https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.1965.12018205</p>
<p>Guindon, S. & Gascuel, O. (2003) A simple, fast, and accurate algorithm to estimate large phylogenies by maximum likelihood. <em>Systematic Biology</em> 52: 696–704. https://doi.org/10.1080/10635150390235520</p>
<p>Guiraud, P., Bonnet, J.L., Boumendjel, A., Kadri-Dakir, M., Dusser, M., Bohatier, J. & Steiman, R. (2008) Involvement of <em>Tetrahymena pyriformis </em>and selected fungi in the elimination of anthracene, and toxicity assessment of the biotransformation products. <em>Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety</em> 69: 296–305. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2006.11.006</p>
<p>Heidary, M. & Habibi, Z. (2016) Microbial transformation of androst-4-ene-3, 17-dione by three fungal species <em>Absidia griseolla</em> var. <em>igachii</em>, <em>Circinella muscae</em> and <em>Trichoderma virens</em>. <em>Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic</em> 126: 32–36. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcatb.2016.01.007</p>
<p>Hesseltine, C.W. & Ellis, J.J. (1964) The genus <em>Absidia</em>: <em>Gongronella </em>and cylindrical-spored species of <em>Absidia</em>. <em>Mycologia </em>56: 568–601. https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.1964.12018145</p>
<p>Hoffmann, K., Discher, S. & Voigt, K. (2007) Revision of the genus <em>Absidia </em>(Mucorales, Zygomycetes) based on physiological, phylogenetic,<br>and morphological characters; thermotolerant <em>Absidia </em>spp. form a coherent group, Mycocladiaceae fam. nov. <em>Mycological Research<br></em>111: 1169–1183. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mycres.2007.07.002</p>
<p>Hoffmann, K. & Voigt, K. (2009) <em>Absidia parricida </em>plays a dominant role in biotrophic fusion parasitism among mucoralean fungi<br>(Zygomycetes): <em>Lentamyces</em>, a new genus for <em>A</em>. <em>parricida </em>and <em>A</em>. <em>zychae</em>. <em>Plant Biology </em>10: 537–554. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1438-8677.2008.00145.x</p>
<p>Hoffmann, K., Walther, G. & Voigt, K. (2009) <em>Mycocladus </em>vs. <em>Lichtheimia</em>: a correction (Lichtheimiaceae fam. nov., Mucorales,<br>Mucoromycotina). <em>Mycological Research </em>113 (7): 275–278. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mycres.2009.02.001</p>
<p>Katoh, K., Rozewicki, J. & Yamada, K.D. (2019) MAFFT online service: multiple sequence alignment, interactive sequence choice and visualization. <em>Briefings in Bioinformatics </em>20: 1160–1166. https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbx108</p>
<p>Lima, D.X., Cordeiro, T.R., de Souza, C.A., de Oliveira, R.J., Lee, H.B., Souza-Motta, C.M. & Santiago, A.L.C.M. de A. (2020) Morphological and molecular evidence for two new species of <em>Absidia</em> from Neotropic soil. <em>Phytotaxa </em>446 (1): 61–71. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.446.1.8</p>
<p>Rambaut, A. (2009) FigTree, version 1.3. 1. Computer program distributed by the author. http://www.treebioedacuk/software/fgtree (accessed 4 January 2011)</p>
<p>Rehner, S.A. & Samuels, G.J. (1995) Molecular systematics of the Hypocreales: a teleomorph gene phylogeny and the status of their anamorphs. <em>Canadian Journal of Botany</em> 73: 816–823. https://doi.org/10.1139/b95-327</p>
<p>Richardson, M. (2009) The ecology of the Zygomycetes and its impact on environmental exposure. <em>Clinical Microbiology and Infection</em>15 (Suppl. 5): 2–9. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-0691.2009.02972.x</p>
<p>Ronquist, F., Teslenko, M., Van Der Mark, P., Ayres, D.L., Darling, A., Höhna, S., Larget, B., Liu, L., Suchard, M.A. & Huelsenbeck, J.P.<br>(2012) MrBayes 3.2: efficient Bayesian phylogenetic inference and model choice across a large model space. <em>Systematic Biology </em>61<br>(3): 539–542. https://doi.org/10.1093/sysbio/sys029</p>
<p>Tedersoo, L., Sánchez-Ramírez, S., Koljalg, U., Bahram, M., Döring, M., Schigel, D., May, Tom, M., Ryberg, M. & Abarenkov, K. (2018) High-level classification of the Fungi and a tool for evolutionary ecological analyses. <em>Fungal Diversity</em> 90 (1): 35–159. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13225-018-0401-0</p>
<p>Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG). (2015) Temperatura mínima mensal e anual de Pernambuco. Available from: http://www.dca.ufcg.edu.br/clima/dadospe.htm (accessed 21 December 2020)</p>
<p>van Tieghem, P. (1878) Troisième mémoire sur les Mucorinées. <em>Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botanique Séries</em> <em>VI</em> 4: 312–399. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-60268-9_24</p>
<p>Vilgalys, R. & Hester, M. (1990) Rapid genetic identification and mapping of enzymatically amplified ribosomal DNA from several <em>Cryptococcus</em> species. <em>Journal of Bacteriology</em> 172 (8): 4238–4246. https://doi.org/10.1128/JB.172.8.4238-4246.1990</p>
<p>White, T.J., Bruns, T., Lee, S. & Taylor, J. (1990) Amplification and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics. <em>In</em>: Innis, M.A., Gelfand, D.H., Sninsky, J.J. & White, T.J. (Ed.) <em>PCR protocols: a guide to methods and applications.</em> Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 315–322. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-372180-8.50042-1</p>
<p>Wijayawardene, N.N., Hyde, K.D., Al-Ani, L.K.T., Tedersoo, L., Rajeshkumar, K.C., Zhao, R.L., Aptroot, A., Leontyev, D.V., Saxena, R.K., Tokarev, Y.S., Dai, D.Q., Letcher, P.M., Stephenson, S.L., Ertz, D., Lumbsch, H.T., Haelewaters, D., Bensch, K., Madrid, H., Kukwa, M., Issi, I.V., Lateef, A.A., Phillips, A.J.L., Selbmann, L., Pfiegler, W.P., Horváth, E., Pereira, O.L., Kirk, P.M., Kolaříková, Z., Raja, H.A., Radek, R., Papp, V., Dima, B., Ma, J., Malosso, E., Takamatsu, S., Rambold, G., Gannibal, P.B., Triebel, D., Gautam, A.K., Avasthi, S., Suetrong, S., Timdal, E., Fryar, S.C., Delgado, G., Réblová, M., Doilom, M., Dolatabadi, S., Pawłowska, J., Humber, R.A., Kodsueb, R., Sánchez-Castro, I., Goto, B.T., Silva, D.K.A., de Souza, F.A., Oehl, F., Santos da Silva, G.A., Silva, I.R., Błaszkowski, J., Jobim, K., Maia, L.C., Barbosa, F.R., Fiuza, P.O., Divakar, P.K., Shenoy, B.D., Castañeda-Ruiz, R.F., Somrithipo, S., Karunarathna, S.C., Tibpromma, S., Mortimer, P.E., Wanasinghe, D.N., Phookamsak, R., Xu, J.C., Wang, Y., Fenghua, T., Alvarado, P., Li, D.W., Kušan, I., Matočec, N., Maharachchikumbura, S.S.N., Papizadeh, M., Heredia, G., Wartchow, F., Bakhshi, M., Boehm, E., Youssef, N., Hustad, V.P., Lawrey, J.D., Santiago, ALCMA, Bezerra, J.D.P., Souza-Motta, C.M., Firmino, A.L., Tian, Q., Houbraken, J., Hongsanan, S., Tanaka, K., Dissanayake, A.J., Monteiro, J.S., Grossart, H.P., Suija, A., Weerakoon, G., Etayo, J., Tsurykau, A., Kuhnert, E., Vázquez, V., Mungai, P., Damm, U., Li, Q.R., Zhang, H., Boonmee, S., Lu, Y.Z., Becerra, A.G., Kendrick, B., Brearley, F.Q., Motiejűnaitë, J., Sharma, B., Khare, R., Gaikwad, S., Wijesundara, D.S.A., Tang, L.Z., He, M.Q., Flakus, A., RodriguezFlakus, P., Zhurbenko, M.P., McKenzie, E.H.C., Stadler, M., Bhat, D.J., Liu, J.K., Raza, M., Jeewon, R., Nassonova, E.S., Prieto, M., Jayalal, R.G.U., Yurkov, A., Schnittler, M., Shchepin, O.N., Novozhilov, Y.K., Liu, P., Cavender, J.C., Kang, Y.Q., Mohammad, S., Zhang, L.F., Xu, R.F., Li, Y.M., Dayarathne, M.C., Ekanayaka, A.H., Wen, T.C., Deng, C.Y. & Navathe, S. (2020) Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa. <em>Mycosphere</em> 11 (1): 1160–1456. https://doi.org./10.5943/mycosphere/11/1/8</p>
<p>Beltrão, B.A., Mascarenhas, J.C., Miranda, J.L.F., Souza Junior, L.C., Galvão, M.J.T.G. & Pereira, S.N. (2005) Project for the registration of sources of supply for ground water estado de Pernambuco. Diagnosis of the Municipality of Águas Belas. Available from: http://rigeo.cprm.gov.br/jspui/bitstream/doc/15611/1/Rel_%c3%81guas%20Belas.pdf (accessed 21 December 2020)</p>
<p>Benny (2005) Zygomycetes. Available from: http://www.zygomycetes.org (accessed 1 December 2020)</p>
<p>Benny, G.L. (2008) The methods used by Dr. R.K. Benjamin, and other Mycologists to isolate Zygomycetes. <em>Aliso </em>26: 37–61. https://doi.org/10.5642/aliso.20082601.08</p>
<p>Capella-Gutiérrez, S., Silla-Martínez, J.M.& Gabaldón, T. (2009) trimAl: a tool for automated alignment trimming in large-scale phylogenetic analyses. <em>Bioinformatics</em> 25: 1972– 1973.</p>
<p> https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btp348</p>
<p>Chen, J., Fan, F., Qu, G., Tang, J., Xi, Y., Bi, C., Sun, Z. & Zhang, X. (2020) Identification of <em>Absidia orchidis</em> steroid 11β-hydroxylation system and its application in engineering <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</em> for one-step biotransformation to produce hydrocortisone. <em>Metabolic Engineering</em> 57: 31–42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymben.2019.10.006</p>
<p>Chen, G., Yang, M., Lu, Z., Zhang, J., Huang, H., Liang, Y., Guan, S., Song, Y., Wu, L. & Guo, D. (2007) Microbial Transformation of 20 (S)-Protopanaxatriol-Type Saponins by <em>Absidia coerulea</em>. <em>Journal of Natural Products </em>70: 1203–1206. https://doi.org/10.1021/np070053v</p>
<p>Darriba, D., Taboada, G.L., Doallo, R. & Posada, D. (2012) jModelTest 2: more models, new heuristics and parallel computing. <em>Nature Methods</em> 9: 772. https://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.2109</p>
<p>Ellis, J.J. & Hesseltine, C.W. (1966) Species of <em>Absidia </em>with ovoid sporangiospores. II. <em>Sabouraudia </em>5: 59–77. https://doi.org/10.1080/00362176785190111</p>
<p>Ellis, J.J. & Hesseltine, C.W (1965) The genus <em>Absidia</em>: globose-spored species. <em>Mycologia </em>57: 222–235. https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.1965.12018205</p>
<p>Guindon, S. & Gascuel, O. (2003) A simple, fast, and accurate algorithm to estimate large phylogenies by maximum likelihood. <em>Systematic Biology</em> 52: 696–704. https://doi.org/10.1080/10635150390235520</p>
<p>Guiraud, P., Bonnet, J.L., Boumendjel, A., Kadri-Dakir, M., Dusser, M., Bohatier, J. & Steiman, R. (2008) Involvement of <em>Tetrahymena pyriformis </em>and selected fungi in the elimination of anthracene, and toxicity assessment of the biotransformation products. <em>Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety</em> 69: 296–305. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2006.11.006</p>
<p>Heidary, M. & Habibi, Z. (2016) Microbial transformation of androst-4-ene-3, 17-dione by three fungal species <em>Absidia griseolla</em> var. <em>igachii</em>, <em>Circinella muscae</em> and <em>Trichoderma virens</em>. <em>Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic</em> 126: 32–36. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcatb.2016.01.007</p>
<p>Hesseltine, C.W. & Ellis, J.J. (1964) The genus <em>Absidia</em>: <em>Gongronella </em>and cylindrical-spored species of <em>Absidia</em>. <em>Mycologia </em>56: 568–601. https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.1964.12018145</p>
<p>Hoffmann, K., Discher, S. & Voigt, K. (2007) Revision of the genus <em>Absidia </em>(Mucorales, Zygomycetes) based on physiological, phylogenetic,<br>and morphological characters; thermotolerant <em>Absidia </em>spp. form a coherent group, Mycocladiaceae fam. nov. <em>Mycological Research<br></em>111: 1169–1183. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mycres.2007.07.002</p>
<p>Hoffmann, K. & Voigt, K. (2009) <em>Absidia parricida </em>plays a dominant role in biotrophic fusion parasitism among mucoralean fungi<br>(Zygomycetes): <em>Lentamyces</em>, a new genus for <em>A</em>. <em>parricida </em>and <em>A</em>. <em>zychae</em>. <em>Plant Biology </em>10: 537–554. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1438-8677.2008.00145.x</p>
<p>Hoffmann, K., Walther, G. & Voigt, K. (2009) <em>Mycocladus </em>vs. <em>Lichtheimia</em>: a correction (Lichtheimiaceae fam. nov., Mucorales,<br>Mucoromycotina). <em>Mycological Research </em>113 (7): 275–278. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mycres.2009.02.001</p>
<p>Katoh, K., Rozewicki, J. & Yamada, K.D. (2019) MAFFT online service: multiple sequence alignment, interactive sequence choice and visualization. <em>Briefings in Bioinformatics </em>20: 1160–1166. https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbx108</p>
<p>Lima, D.X., Cordeiro, T.R., de Souza, C.A., de Oliveira, R.J., Lee, H.B., Souza-Motta, C.M. & Santiago, A.L.C.M. de A. (2020) Morphological and molecular evidence for two new species of <em>Absidia</em> from Neotropic soil. <em>Phytotaxa </em>446 (1): 61–71. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.446.1.8</p>
<p>Rambaut, A. (2009) FigTree, version 1.3. 1. Computer program distributed by the author. http://www.treebioedacuk/software/fgtree (accessed 4 January 2011)</p>
<p>Rehner, S.A. & Samuels, G.J. (1995) Molecular systematics of the Hypocreales: a teleomorph gene phylogeny and the status of their anamorphs. <em>Canadian Journal of Botany</em> 73: 816–823. https://doi.org/10.1139/b95-327</p>
<p>Richardson, M. (2009) The ecology of the Zygomycetes and its impact on environmental exposure. <em>Clinical Microbiology and Infection</em>15 (Suppl. 5): 2–9. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-0691.2009.02972.x</p>
<p>Ronquist, F., Teslenko, M., Van Der Mark, P., Ayres, D.L., Darling, A., Höhna, S., Larget, B., Liu, L., Suchard, M.A. & Huelsenbeck, J.P.<br>(2012) MrBayes 3.2: efficient Bayesian phylogenetic inference and model choice across a large model space. <em>Systematic Biology </em>61<br>(3): 539–542. https://doi.org/10.1093/sysbio/sys029</p>
<p>Tedersoo, L., Sánchez-Ramírez, S., Koljalg, U., Bahram, M., Döring, M., Schigel, D., May, Tom, M., Ryberg, M. & Abarenkov, K. (2018) High-level classification of the Fungi and a tool for evolutionary ecological analyses. <em>Fungal Diversity</em> 90 (1): 35–159. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13225-018-0401-0</p>
<p>Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG). (2015) Temperatura mínima mensal e anual de Pernambuco. Available from: http://www.dca.ufcg.edu.br/clima/dadospe.htm (accessed 21 December 2020)</p>
<p>van Tieghem, P. (1878) Troisième mémoire sur les Mucorinées. <em>Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botanique Séries</em> <em>VI</em> 4: 312–399. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-60268-9_24</p>
<p>Vilgalys, R. & Hester, M. (1990) Rapid genetic identification and mapping of enzymatically amplified ribosomal DNA from several <em>Cryptococcus</em> species. <em>Journal of Bacteriology</em> 172 (8): 4238–4246. https://doi.org/10.1128/JB.172.8.4238-4246.1990</p>
<p>White, T.J., Bruns, T., Lee, S. & Taylor, J. (1990) Amplification and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics. <em>In</em>: Innis, M.A., Gelfand, D.H., Sninsky, J.J. & White, T.J. (Ed.) <em>PCR protocols: a guide to methods and applications.</em> Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 315–322. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-372180-8.50042-1</p>
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