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Type: Article
Published: 2021-08-13
Page range: 158-166
Abstract views: 116
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Phylogeny of Phyllachora species on bamboo and P. cephalostachyi sp. nov. from China

Acadamic Institute of Yunnan Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Kunming 650223, China; Kunming Edible Fungi Institute of All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Kunming 650223, China
General Station of Forest and Grassland Pest Management, National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Shenyang 110034, China
College of Life Science, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, China
Station of Forest and Grassland Pest Control and Quarantine, Shenyang 110034, China
Acadamic Institute of Yunnan Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Kunming 650223, China; Kunming Edible Fungi Institute of All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Kunming 650223, China
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, 50200, Thailand; Center of Excellence in Bioresources for Agriculture, Industry and Medicine, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, 50200, Thailand
Acadamic Institute of Yunnan Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Kunming 650223, China; Kunming Edible Fungi Institute of All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, Kunming 650223, China
new species Cephalostachyum pergracile tar spots taxonomy Fungi


Thirty-seven Phyllachora specimens were collected in China and examined for morphological characteristics. A molecular phylogenetic analysis based on a combined sequence dataset of ITS and LSU was also undertaken. Phyllachora cephalostachyi sp. nov. on Cephalostachyum pergracile is described based on its distinct phylogenetic relationships and a comparison of its morphological characteristics with known Phyllachora species on bamboo. Our results indicate a high species diversity of Phyllachora on bamboo in China. A full description and colour photographs of micro-characters are provided for the new species. A phylogenetic tree to show placement of the new species, and a table to compare morphology of the Phyllachora species reported on bamboo are also provided.


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How to Cite

LI, XIAO-LING, HAI-YING YU, XI LUO, HAO WU, CHUN-YAN ZHAO, ITTHAYAKORN PROMPUTTHA, and DA-FENG SUN. 2021. “Phylogeny of <em>Phyllachora</em> Species on Bamboo and <em>P. Cephalostachyi Sp. nov.</em> From China”. Phytotaxa 514 (2):158-66.