Amanita submelleialba sp. nov. in section Amanita, is described from northern Thailand based on both multi-gene phylogenetic analysis and morphological evidences. It is characterized by having small to medium-sized basidiomata; a yellow to yellowish pale pileus covering pyramidal to subconical, white to yellow white volval remnants; globose stipe base covered conical, white to yellow white volval remnants; fugacious subapical annulus; and absent clamps. Multi-gene phylogenetic analyses based on partial nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), partial nuclear rDNA larger subunit region (nrLSU), RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (RPB2), partial translation elongation factor 1-alpha (TEF1-α) and beta-tubulin gene (TUB) indicated that A. submelleialba clustered together with A. elata and A. mira, but represented as a distinct lineage from other extant species in section Amanita. The detailed morphological characteristics, line-drawing illustration and comparisons with morphologically similar taxa are provided.
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